Forwarding to the PA

May 6th, 2009

I went to Colfax to pick up my newest gun. I had to pick it up from Greyman Guns. Due to the timeline I was getting on the edge of running late for EMS rounds. We were going to discuss the EMS call from last month where we ended up doing a “transfer” to Spokane where we never left the hospital. We were there for about five hours.

I rode with Zehm tonight. I started with being the “uniform” on a warrant service. My role was to be the officer presence when we did a knock and announce. I pretty much watched the people while the search was done.

We went to serve some papers in Palouse and then drove around the city for a while because we though the person we were serving were going to break the order. We were not able to find anything.

Following that we did a report in Tekoa of an assault. I went and got witness statements and went to talk to the suspect. At the end of the call I went to the station to write it up and forward it off to the prosecutor.