Something About the Fauxhawk
I drove up to Liberty Lake for a job interview. This was a follow-up to the test they had me drive up to do a couple weeks ago. I got a late start and I had to push it to get there on time. I pulled into the parking lot right at the time for the appointment. I interviewed with one guy. The nice thing is he was ten-six-seven. Something about the fauxhawk and the barley visible goatee, but the obvious soul patch. I had something worth looking at. But the interview itself went about twenty minutes. I pretty much told him what was on my resume, which was sitting in front of him, and he told me the same stuff I was told on a previous phone call. The point is it was pointless. Also based on the rate of pay, I am not going to be able to take the job. The pay rate is just too low.
After the interview I got some pizza from Rocky Racoco’s and went to Ryan’s house. We watched the Simpson’s and Family Guy. I played with Zoey a little bit.
I hit the road and make my way back to Colfax to hit the road. I got a call to St. John early on for a vandalism call. I went and took care of that. Then it was out to Endicott. I was there for a couple hours in total. I got a chance to learn the streets of the town a lot better and I drove around on them multiple times. I went off duty around midnight because I was going to have to get up early again to take my rig to Kendall Dodge. I am getting bored of bring it down all the time.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Ten-Six-Seven, WCSO | Comment (0)Taxi’s are Cheaper
This morning when I woke up I got my patrol car and hit the road. I was only able to work until five because of the fire department. I got my biggest speeder to date, eighty-one in a fifty-five. That is twenty-six over. The person claimed to not know what the speed limit was. I said I didn’t know of any places in Washington where the speed limit is eighty miles per hour.
I worked with Paul-Nine on a couple calls. He stopped a car and I backed him on it as things seemed sort of fishy. He got an arrest. Then he helped me on a call with juveniles fighting.
I went home and got ready to work the fire department. We had daily rig checks. Only three of us were there for it. We had a new guy, but I don’t count him because one of the regular’s have to work with the new guy to train him.
We ended up running two calls. One was around midnight. The other one was at four-thirty in the morning. Let me just say, a taxi is much cheaper than an ambulance.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire, WCSO | Comment (0)Back in the PA Booth
I spent the morning preparing for my return to the PA booth for the Palouse Thunder. Today’s game was pre-season against Spokane Wolfpack. I got to the field and got my stuff ready and set up. Then I helped get the field ready by putting out the yard markers and end-zone markers.
Then it was time to announce. I was rusty today. It took some time to get into a groove. Even then I still make my normal errors, mispronouncing names. It is any wonder I was asked to come back. But I do like to do it and watch the team. The Thunder won the game today. It was sort of sloppy at times but the Thunder was able to pull out a rare win.
Following the game, I had thought I would go to bed early and work the road tomorrow. But I was done a little earlier than I thought I would be, and I went ahead and hit the road. I was able to get six hours in.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Football, WCSO | Comment (0)Playing Ball with Ben
I had a chance to play softball with Ben this afternoon. It was great to get out and play ball with him. It has been several years since we were able to hit the softball field together.
Our practice/scrimmage lasted almost two hours. This is the third week that we have scrimmaged a team that Steven knows. We pretty much destroy them from week to week. This week after the second inning we started to give them six outs per inning to give them a chance to do more batting practice. I hit the ball pretty well. Also I got a chance to see our new pitcher, Brandon, in action. He is a friend of Ben’s.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Softball | Comment (0)