It is Busy
Training at the FD was the BLS Twelve-lead. Before that I got together with one of my new guys and we worked on doing pumping on Rescue. After training tonight we spent a couple hours running on EMS calls. There was nothing too big, but I didn’t get to go to bed until after four in the morning. It was just one of those busy days. This summer was pretty quiet for the most part. But since the students have come back we have been running lots of calls.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire | Comment (0)BKoe’s Birthday Celebration
I spent much of the afternoon watching some TV. I was trying to get my DVR emptied. Around six o’clock I went to Zeppoz. BKoe was celebrating his quarter century birthday. We bowled a couple games. I did alright. By the last game I getting the highest score. While bowling we were buying BKoe lots of shots. I got him something that I thought would be gross. I got Jager and Goldschlauger in a shot mixed together. Then I got him an Everclear chaser. He didn’t think the gross shot was that gross. Maybe his taste buds were already shot.
I did an HGN on him and he was showing the effects pretty obviously. I videoed it so he could see it for himself.
When we left I watched some more TV trying to burn through more of the shows. I also started to watch a couple episodes of QaF. It has been showing on Logo. But they are doing some editing. It is not in its full effect that it was while it was on Showtime. But it is fun to relive it.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Mo | Comment (0)Intern Mock Scenes
I went to the WSU Police Station to meet up for the Mock Scene’s that I am helping with for the Interns. I was playing a suspect in a couple different scenerios. I was having a lot of fun with it. I would pick on something about the officer and then try to get to them through my verbal attacks. One short guy came up with his partner. I looked at him, then he partner, and said “Is it Take-Your-Son-To-Work day?” One guy I was telling him I slept with his girlfriend. One guy I kept calling Ponch. I really was having a lot of fun.
When I was done there I went to the SO and worked the road. I started by washing my car. Then I went to St. John to serve some papers. But right when I got there I was called to Tekoa to be a backup for a call for a possible gun call. I got there and it turned into nothing. I then went to the SO. While there we got called to La Crosse. But just as I got going on that. I got diverted to Little Goose Dam for an illegal fire. There was no fire to be found. I ended up getting my car extremely dirty.
I ended the night with some traffic stops. It was pretty quiet for the most part for me.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: WCSO | Comment (0)Another Day on the Lake
I went to see the doctor about my ankle today. I was told he wanted to do another MRI. I am waiting to hear back that it has been approved by my insurance before setting up an appointment.
I worked Marine Patrol again today. I was working with the sergeant who will be taking over the marine patrol starting next month. It was a pretty quiet day on the lake. We made a couple stops through out the day and wrote a couple tickets. It was fun to get a chance to chat with the new sergeant. When I was done on the marine patrol I headed back to Pullman.
The trip went pretty well. I had no real problems with traffic which I was thinking I might run into with all the stduents coming back for school. I listened to the scanner and watched some TV when I got back. It was pretty quiet in Pullman for being the weekend before school started.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Marine Patrol | Comment (0)First Marine Patrol Shift of the Summer
I worked on Lake Washington today. I worked with an officer I had not worked with before. I was pretty nervous because I haven’t been out on the water in a long while. But it was pretty quient for the most part. The weather was not that nice so we cruised around for a bit then parked the boat. I was driving the boat. It was a bit of a challenge to park it in its new spot, but I did pretty well backing it in.
I did a lot of reading of the boating rules and the EMS protocols for King County. It was a good day. We hit the water again around five. There were more boats out and we made some stops. We issued warnings. I did the boat safety inspections after the stop was made.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Marine Patrol | Comment (0)Another Job Interview
This morning I was to have an interview at a company in Kirkland. Brian works there and he got me in the door. He is the one who helped to get me hired at NetUpdate. Now I am hoping that the interview goes well. But that was not to be entirely. Things were moving along smoothly for the first hour plus. Just before it was over he wanted me to do some SQL. I was able to get the answer to what he was asking. Then he asked me to see if a string was the same forwards and backwards. That didn’t go quite as well. I had an idea of how to get the answer, but it is hard for me to write code on a whiteboard with people watching. I think that sort of was sinking me. I don’t know how much pull Brian has there. I guess I will see if I am offered a job.
After that I was thinking I was going to have a meeting with a guy in Seattle. But after I called and left him a message he never called me back. I went through the old neighborhood on the way home. Not much has really changed except the hills are tiny. I use to think they were long and steep.
The rest of the evening I spent watching TV and playing on the computer.
Filed under Uncategorized | Comment (0)Trip to Seattle
I headed to Seattle for the next couple days. I got up and worked on getting packed. I slept in for a while before getting underway. I stopped in Colfax and dropped off my ballot for the primaries.
The trip over was pretty uneventful. I was able to make decent time the whole way. The traffic was not too bad. When I got to my mom’s house I watched some TV. I am still without my cellphone’s screen. That makes it hard to do much of anything. I am working with Sprint to get my other Touch Pro working on their network. It sucks not having a phone with a working screen.
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