Happy New Year!
I spent a lot of the day in the house working on going through my papers and other items. I mainly got through a small stack of Evegreen’s and scanned the items I wanted to keep. I also had the lady coming from Spokane to get my computer parts. I can’t wait until they are all gone. It has been a long time coming to free myself of a ton of the items that I had laying around for years. This is all part of my campaign to free myself of being a pack rat. I still have a long way to go however.
Around nine o’clock I decided that I was going to go out and I was not going to spent the whole day in the house. I made myself some dinner. Then I talked to Ryan on the phone for a while. I sent him a copy of an article he wrote for the Evergreen a while back about how to keep cool in the summer time.
I got cleaned up and I headed to the fire station to turn in my time card. I talked with Sugden and Volk for a few minutes. It was just ten minutes until the new year. So I high tailed it to Zeppoz. I caught up with Dan, Michele, Ron, Heather, Brian, Diana, Michael B, and the others. We watched the drop of the ball. Then everyone cheered and drank. Michele game me a beer to celebrate.
I went into the casino and talked to the guys in there. Russell was working. Denise, Baron, Sauce, Zach, and some of the others were there. Several of us went to the Zuu for the final hour before two o’clock there. Baron and I had a shot of tequila. We played some pool and darts.
Following the Zuu closing I went back to Zeppoz and played some poker and talked with Russell for a while. I got home around three in the morning. I was doing some stuff online and watching a TV show and did not get to bed until four in the morning.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Poker | Comment (0)Poker Night in Colfax
Russell came over to my place and helped me remove hard drive from some of the computers I was giving away. I found though that there were four computers in the garage I am not getting rid of at this point. So I will have six computer cases sitting around unless I take some time to go through them and get rid of them. I think I will have to do that, but I don’t have the time any time soon. I need to make a list of things I want to get done and put them in order by priority.
After we were done with the computer we went to Moscow. First to Walmart followed by Office Depot, then to Hastings. We looked at the selection of gay magazines. Then we went to the mall. Starting by going to Macy’s and then down to the bed and bath place. That is probably the most gay place to be in the mall. Perfect for us I suppose.
When we walked inside there was a ten-six-seven working. I spent some time trying to figure out if he was family or not. After watching him and his actions I started to think that, plus the fact he chose to work there. At one point when I talked to him it was pretty clear he was family. I was looking at getting some oils that when heated give off a pleasant odor. I chose not to when I saw the prices for everything.
We left there and I took Russell back to my place so he could get to sleep so he could work.
I got ready to hit Colfax for some poker. I got someone to cover for me at the fire department. We played a dealers choice game down there. Jim, Connie, Scott, Carl, Kathy, and I were there for several hours playing poker. I ended up losing some. Connie, the newbie, and Kathy did okay. I think Jim won some money as well.
I was down there until nearly one in the morning when the game finally broke up. I my way back to Pullman I called Whitcom to let them know I was on call for the coroner. I also asked to talk to Jamie.
I had thought of a joke that only certain people could really understand. It went like this:
Did you hear Saddam was executed? (The other person will usually make some sort of comment whether it is sarcastic or just affirming that they had heard.)
I guess he was given three options for method. Hanging, firing squad, or driving on One-Ninety-Five.
Today was a good day. It was enjoyable to go out with Russell and walk around some stores as well as playing some poker with my friends from Colfax Fire.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Colfax Fire, Mo, Poker, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Paying my Mortgage
Volk and I were working the women’s basketball game against UCLA today. We were up at Beasley. We spent most of the time watching the TV coverage of Saddam’s execution. It was finally hung near the seven o’clock hour our time. Not a lot of a change in my life, but it is an interesting thing.
The women lost to UCLA in the same way the men lost to UCLA. It was a close game up to the end, but then the Cougs had to foul UCLA when UCLA was up by one point. The scored two more on the free throws. The Cougs had a chance to tie it up, but missed the three pointer. The game ended just like the mens’ game.
This was my first time that I had to pay my mortgage. I will have another three-hundred-fifty-nine times to do that. Well I hope in thirty years I am not still living here. I will want a bigger house some day. But I do like my house as it is right now. I wish it was a little larger at times, but over all it is great place.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Cougs, Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Final On Call Shift of the Year
Today was my last time being on duty at Pullman Fire for the year. Brian and I met up at the station and did our rig checks. Then we spoke about the career vs reserve issues for a period of time.
We were called out while we were at the station, but we were cancelled en route to the scene. That was about it for the evening of being on call.
We did have one additional call. I was just getting ready to kick off my boots when that call came in. But over all it was dead.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Closing out the Bugs
I went to work this morning after getting my truck packed and ready to go to Pullman after work. I was planning on only working for a couple hours today. On my way to work I went to Target to get some stuff in exchange for some of the duplicate gifts I got. I got some glass cookware.
I got into work and got a couple bugs finished up. I also got my schedule figured out for the next two months. I am going to be out of Bellevue for seven weeks.
It was around four in the afternoon when I finally got out of town. I hit the road. The pass was a little ugly, but it did not cause me too much of a problem. I made good time though out.
When I got to Colfax I called Pete and let him know I was in town. I opened up all my new kitchen items and worked on getting everything put through the dishwasher. It took a couple hours to get it all done.
I also made a pizza, but I did not hear the buzzer so it burnt pretty bad. I was still able to eat it, but it was crunchy.
Filed under Uncategorized | Comment (0)Boat Patrol Training
This morning we started out with boat training. We were working on the Jason’s Cradle and other items that we may need to use. Dearth, as well as a couple of the other new guys, a two cops, and two new Mercer Island firefighters were all there. The firefighters were ten-six-sevens. One of them had a brother at WSU. He had come over here for the Apple Cup.
The equipment was pretty cool. The Jason’s Cradle was really neat in its operation. It is used to get people out of the water, and you don’t have to get into the water to get them out. It doesn’t matter if they are conscious or not.
We were on the water for about three hours doing the training. When it was done I went back to the office. I was there getting the bugs fixed and completed. I was able to get one done that had been causing me troubles for a while. But when I got it fixed I was thinking about how easy it was. I just had to get on the right track.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Marine Patrol, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)MERRY CHRISTMAS
Merry Christmas! It was a nice day. I was up late and I woke up late. Bill made breakfast. We had french toast with bacon. It was very good. We opened up our presents. I got a second set of metal mixing bowls. I got a second blender. I also got a Far Side Calendar, slippers, and cookie sheets. I am going to have to make some cookies now.
Pat came over for dinner. We had ham and all the fixings. I talked to Dave and we decided to go see a movie. I went to see Casino Royale. Dave had not seen it. This is the second time this week went to the East Valley Theatre. Again there was a guy who sat in the theatre and talked through out the whole movie. It was so annoying. It is like the standard that people just talk through out the movie. I wish people would be nice and considerate about others.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends | Comment (0)Christmas at Jon’s
I made my way down to Renton to get Justin his Christmas present. It was a fifty dollar gift card for a video game place he likes to go to. I also thought of a funny joke to play on Justin.
I got a paper towel and wrote “Scooby Doo” on it. Then I wrapped it and gave it to him as his gift. He fought the tears for a moment, then he started to cry. I then let him in on the real present. He felt better.
We had chineese food over at Jon’s for Christmas. It was fun. We were there for a couple hours eating and playing games. It was good to spend time with teh family.
I met up with Brian a little after I left Jon’s. We drove into Seattle and went to The Cuff. We hung out there for about an hour. There was a fair number of people there. I had some pop and we were outside talking for a while.
Brian was getting mad when I was not getting close to him and I seemed to pull away. I explained to him the whole issue of my softball team thinking I am not gay. And that I don’t want them to find out when they see me having a gay guy all over me. It is a long story about what happened. But pretty much they thought I was gay, then they talked themselves out of it. I let them talk themselves out of me being gay. Now that it is several years later, I feel that it would be bad if they found out about me now.
Brian doesn’t understand that. But he is a lot of like a woman. He calls and wants all my time. Anyway, we drove around after that for a while and ended up in Renton. We hung out by the river for a while and called it a night around three in the morning.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Mo | Comment (0)Rocky!
Dave and I met up and decided to make our way to see Rocky Balboa. It is a pretty good movie. Dave has a feeling that the guy Steps in the movie will be trained by Rocky to be a boxer and the Rocky movie line will continue.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends | Comment (0)Another Fatal Car Accident
This morning started out as one where I did not have to work, but I decided I would get a couple bug fixed. Then I saw that something I checked in was causing some problems with one app. So I started to fix that when I was listening to the radio traffic out of Colfax.
They were going on a car accident were a truck rolled. Upon the ambulance’s arrival I heard them put Paul-Sixty-Four on stand by. As it turned out they needed the coroner. I was given a call by Pete. So I headed out to the scene. It was out on highway Twenty-Six.
I got on scene of a truck that had rolled pinning the victim. I did my photos and investigation. Following that I went to the funeral home to complete the investigation. I also went to the coroners office to do my paperwork and print the photos. Pete showed up there and we went over the case and the photos.
He agreed with my assessments and with my conclusions. I felt good that I had gotten it correct. I got the report completed and printed out. Yet another fatal car accident in Whitman County.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Coroner | Comment (0)High School Basketball
I worked the high school basketball game at Beasley with a career guy because we are short on reserves over Christmas Break. We talked a lot of about where Tractor came from and how he made his way to Pullman.
Then we talked about the fire department and the mix of career and reserves. There is a thing between career and volunteers. Unions can be good but many guys who are union have this belief that all firefighters should be union and that reserves should not exist. That we need to just hire career guys. So even if the city cannot afford to have more career guys to fulfil the needs of the people of the city, that is just too bad. You can’t have a reserve. You just have to find money and hire only career guys.
It is a silly notion that you can’t have some balance between the need for having the manpower and the ability to pay. Anyway, I have written about this in the past as well. I am not going to beat a dead horse here, but it is very clear that some people need to get off the hard-line that only the city should only have career guys.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Christmas Coroners Meeting
Today is the final day without power at work. The power came on and we are going to be back at work tomorrow.
I got my dishwasher installed today. I also had the house cleaner there. I had to be someone to come and switch some plumbing pipes around for the dishwasher so it would get the hot water. It had only been getting cold water. I also got a coroners call. It was a cancer patient. We ended up not taking jurisdiction of the case.
In the ending we had our meeting down in Colfax. We went to Eddy’s for dinner then to the office. We talked about two cases, but that was all we go to. We also discussed a new computer and the printer for the coroners office.
After I got back from the coroners office I spent time working on a bug at work. It was a heck of a bug. It took me a long time to follow the data and to figure out why it was not working. It took several hours to come to the conclusion. But I could not do a check in last night. I finally got to bed around three in the morning.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Coroner | Comment (0)Goodbye Coach Akey
I am saddened by the news that Coach Akey is leaving WSU for the Idaho Vandals. I hope nothing but the best for him and hope that someday he will come back as the Washington State Head coach.
We had the Colfax Fire Christmas party tonight. I went down to that. I bought one raffle ticket and ended up winning the main prize which was a quilt that Angela made. It is pretty neat and I was hoping to win that. People were giving me a hard time that I had only bought one ticket, then when I won they could not believe it.
We are still without power at work so I have been unable to get any work done. I hope that I can kick some butt on bugs when the power does come back on, I feel like I am getting way behind.
I went to the fire station in Pullman earlier in the day for fire training. We were doing stuff on setting up staging and rehab.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Colfax Fire, Cougs, Football, Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Happy Thirty-Third Scotty!
That is correct as the year marches on I always get closer to my birthday. This year it came on December Eighteenth, just like every year before it. I had planned on a Monday Night Football party with a celebration on my birth.
I went out and bought some supplies. I made Chili-Phily and nachos. Ryan came from Spokane. It was so good to have him come down! Russell came over and Ryan asked him to be a groomsmen at Ryan’s wedding. Dan came over with two of the boys and we hung out eating and talking about stuff while watching the end of the Monday Night football game. Russell and I joked about making Ryan perform in a drag show for his bachelor party. We also said it would be a “fabulous” party with us doing it.
Russell and Dan left as the guys from the fire training come over. Aaron and his girlfriend, Jen, came over. As did Tyson, George, and the Uskoski’s made it over as well. I showed them around the house. We all hung out in the kitchen drinking and laughing. It was so great to have the Dan and Michele make it over.
When everyone left Dan and Michele hung around a while longer drinking some more beer. We were talking about homsexuality and what is it like to be gay and trying to hide it for the most part. They left around one in the morning and I went to my den. I was pretty tipsy and I drank a ton of water and chatted with a couple people online for a while before making my way to bed. I was talking to Joe about being gay a little bit. I was hoping he would tell me something, but he is still not saying anything at all.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Mo, Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Working for Chapman
I made some Fanny Farmer Fudge today. My plan was to get a few things done today including the fudge. I did get started on the fudge, but I also got a call from Michael about covering for him as he was not able to work.
It was rig checks, so I went down to the station at six for the weekly rig checks. At one point Chelsey showed up and talked with Reed and I for about fifteen minutes. She is paramedic school and was in town for a ballet for the girls she use to babysit.
The call volume for the night was one. It was nothing real major and we did not even go to the hospital for it.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire | Comment (0)PFD Christmas Party
I spent the day working on taking apart the bed I built years ago for the apartment. It took some time to un-screw each screw. I had a ton of screws all over it. I was finishing up as the sun was going down.
I then got ready for the Christmas party. It was being held at Keeton’s place. I showed up around six-thirty. I was the first one from the fire department there. Soon others started to show up. Dan made a punch with four different kinds of alcohol.
I had some punch and ate food over the next two hours and talked to many of the people there. Nothing of substance was discussed, just lots of chatter.
Peter and I met up at my place. We watched some TV and talked about the idea of being able to store files using labels, like Gmail does for Email messages. We spent time in my office watching videos. He is flying to Colorado early in the morning so he left around three in the morning.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Pullman Fire | Comment (0)I am the Best Man!
It is something I have always wanted to do. Being the best man is something that does not happen to everyone. You have to have a super strong bond with another man, who is your best friend. That is what I have with Ryan. He called me up today and asked me. I was so excited that he asked me. I am thrilled that I am going to be the guy. Now it is time to learn about everything I need to do on top of getting ready for the wedding, which is still almost nine months away.
The power was out all over the Puget Sound region so I did not have the ability to VPN into work. I had my dentist appointment this morning. I got my crown installed. It feels good to have that in.
I went to stand by a tree that appeared that it was under imminent falling earlier in the day. I stood by it for about two hours keeping people away and waiting to be relieved by Avista. A couple time people just drove over the cones and up the road. I stopped one guy who said he saw them, but he just didn’t think it meant the road was closed.
After that Peter and I went to go see Stranger Then Fiction. That was a pretty good movie. Later we came to my apartment and watched Saw II while having some pizza. He also helped me do some cleaning in my den. I have a lot of clear floor space. I am able to move around and things are a lot better organized. There is still a lot to do, but I am trying to always be working on something.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Major Life Event | Comment (0)And the Wind Cried Mary
The evening started off slowly. We did our rigs checks and hung out at the station for a little while. I was at home when the tones went out for a tree that crashed into a power pole knocking it to the ground. We were on Spring Street for a while making sure people did not get close to it. Before too long it became clear that we were just starting.
The wind was blowing very hard. It was getting worse and worse. Trees were falling all over town. Power poles and power lines were getting damaged and we were getting called to places all over the place. We went to Campus Street followed by B Street, and it did not stop there. Soon the power was out all over town. Only the campus had power. We had no way to open the bay doors. We did not have the radio system as the repeaters were down. For a while we had to use phones for dispatching purposes.
We were out on the road until nearly four in the morning. I was just getting to bed and pulling up the covers when the tones went off for another problem. That one was up on Center Street we were on scene for nearly an hour waiting for Avista to cut the power so we could put water on the little fire in the tree that was trying to start. When the power was cut the fire went out. We were cleared and ended up doing nothing.
I was so tired. I was ready to get home and go to bed.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Chirstmas Shopping for Toys
I went down to Lewiston with Colfax Fire to buy toys for our toy give away each year. We went to Shopko and spent a couple hours there buying thousands of dollars worth of toys.
Just before we went to Lewiston Colfax got an echo call for CPR in progress. It turned out the person died and I knew I would be getting a call from Pete. Sure enough I got a call, but I was already en route to Lewiston.
After shopping we went to Old Country Buffett for dinner. I had more than I should have. After getting back I did not stay up too later because I had to get up at seven in the morning for ICS training at the fire station.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Colfax Fire | Comment (0)Final B&B of the year
Tonight was the final Board and Business meeting in Colfax. I made my way down there around six o’clock this evening. After the meeting was done I went to the SO and printed off my reports and photos from my two cases this weekend.
While I was waiting for the photos I walked two miles and watched House. Not much of a day to report on.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Colfax Fire | Comment (0)Got me some French Toast
After nearly forty-eight hours of waiting, I finally got my French toast. At first I needed to get some eggs. Then it was later I realized that I needed milk. Plus I got called to a coroner’s case followed by rig checks. So, finally I was able to get my ingredients. I made bacon and put on the French toast. It was great.
There was also some poker to be played tonights at Mike’s. I went up there and for a fair portion of the night I was winning. Actually, I was up pretty much all night. At the end I lost some ground, but over all I was up twelve bucks.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Coroner, Poker | Comment (0)The big shopping trip
I started out the day with a shopping trip, but that start time was nearly two in the afternoon. I didn’t get up until it was pretty late. I was over at Safeway doing my shopping. It took quite a while since I started to look at TransFats. I didn’t really pay attention to the issues of TransFats until the NY ban on it and all the media started to do stories about it. Sounds like the stuff is bad. So I spent a longer time picking things out, trying to balance a good deal with quality food.
I made it to the parking lot when I got a phone call from the jail. It was McNannay letting me know that I needed to call the hospital. I knew it was probably related to the person the ambulance had brought in earlier. Turns out I was correct.
I decided to take the case because the person was younger and had no history of what he died of. I went to the hospital after getting my groceries put away. After dealing with the case for a little bit and talking to Pete, he was comfortable with allowing the doctor sign off on the death after I was able to gather the information that I gathered for him.
I got back just in time to make it to the weekly rig checks at the fire station. We spent a couple hours working on those. We were done by nine o’clock and I started to watch the Family Guy, only to find it was a re-run.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Coroner | Comment (0)My First Poker Party
I was excited by the fact that this evening would be my first poker party at my new house. I had the people who helped me move come over for the poker game. But before the party I had to get my house all set up and ready. The morning, however, started off with a phone call from my mom. She told me Gary’s mom, Natalie, died. I found the obituary online and read about it. I don’t know much about what happened at this time.
When I went out shopping for stuff for my poker party, I got a card for Tom. I am going to send it to him.
I got my house cleaned up and set out all sorts of things for people including my hard-A collection. I got some beer and pop at the store as well.
Peter came over early and we watched Four Brothers on DVD. Shortly after that was over Mike showed up and we got the computer set up for the poker party. John, Andrew, Russell, as well as Peter, Mike, and I were here for some cards. We started at around six-twenty in the evening. I got wiped out early by Russell on an all-in bet. I had to rebuy. The game carried on. My plan was to have a break at seven-forty-five for pizza. I had ordered it earlier in the day.
But they showed up thirty minutes early. So we took our break early and had pizza. We knocked out all the pizza’s before getting back to cards. After the fourth round we had the final re-buys and add-ons. Then it was time to knock people out. We had already knocked out Andrew. He chose not to rebuy. Then we knocked out Russell, John, and Peter. Finally it was just Mike and I playing heads up, but I was not getting anything at all and he had about ten-times my stack. I slowly lost my money mainly to blinds.
Then we broke out the change and started to play a nickel-dime-quarter poker game. It was dealers choice. Peter, Mike, John, and I played until one in the morning. When we completed our final game Peter, John, and I hung out for a few minutes talking and I got my kitchen and dining room cleaned up and everything put away so I did not have to do it in the morning.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Major Life Event, Poker | Comment (0)Shredding Stuff
I spent a lot of time today going through boxes of papers and items. I worked on shredding a lot of stuff that needed to be shredded. Then I spent more time scanning items so I had a digital copy of them. That will allow me to throw away many of the papers I really don’t need to keep any more.
We were going to have the Palousitics party today. I had been in Colfax. I got a computer from Poffenroth to work on. I also talked to the people at IS for a while. I was at the fire station. We were there with some troopers having Subway subs and talking about the number of fatal car accidents.
I got home and I was on my computer when I hear Colfax get dispatched to a Bravo response for a car on fire. Then they upgraded to Delta for a head-on accident with someone unconscious. That was all I heard about it.
I was on my way to the Palousitics party when I heard the people on scene talking about Paul Twenty-Two and Paul Sixty-Four. I knew I would be going on the car accident. I got a call from Pete about ten minutes later asking if I could go. I responded to the scene and started to do my investigation. It was clear that it was a really bad wreck. I mentioned that it seemed that each wreck was trying to outdo the last one based on how bad they were getting. Someone else spoke up and said that he had thought the same thing.
I also mentioned to Krause that it was interesting that the debriefing that was supposed to happen for another department this evening was cancelled. Because of that several of the people on scene would have been at the debriefing. Krause mentioned that it was Divine intervention.
Following the removal I went to the funeral home with Pete to look over the body and determine the actual case of death. We spent time doing that and getting all the data we needed for our reports.
I went to the Colfax Fire station following that, I talked to the family and then I was inside talking with the guys there. Scott blamed me for this one because I (as well as the others) had been talking about this down at the station a few hours earlier.
I finally got home around three in the morning and I was ready for bed.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Coroner | Comment (0)Lots of Responding
I responded to a lot of calls today only to actually go out the door on two of them. And of those Tyson and I did not really do anything at all. We pretty much drove the scene from one to another.
When we got to the station after the final call Reed was there and we spent time chatting about the fire department.
I also made plans to go to the fire training tonight for the recruits. It was day two of EVAP training. I hung out and listened in. Following the training I talked with the guys for a little while. It was fun to be at the training.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Wednesday Night Goodness
Wednesday nights are always spent at Russell’s apartment. Many of the dealers from Zeppoz go over. We have a dinner and do something whether it is watching a movie or playing a game. I was there until around one in the morning when I came back to the house and worked on getting my den set up and my computer set up the way I wanted it.
The day was mainly spent with the fire department. I talked to George about the audio tapes that I had from the car accident. I also went to the station for five calls. We actually went out the door on a couple of them with Tyson coming down for them.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire | Comment (0)Short Work Day
My plan was to go into the office in the morning and work on some stuff with the people there before I headed to Pullman. I was going to take half a day off but my boss said not to worry about it. So I did not turn in a time off slip.
I left around one in the afternoon and got over to Colfax for fire training. I was there early so I hung out and talked with the guys until training started. It was OTEP training. We were doing extrication and immobilizing.
Following the training I went to Whitcom and got the recordings from the car accident. I was able to listen to them and get an idea about how I did on the car accident. After listening to it I thought I did okay. There were some stuff I could have done better when I first got on scene and I should have verbalized more stuff but over all for my first real big scene I thought I did well.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Colfax Fire | Comment (0)Another Christmas Cruise
The day was a short one at work but I did get some stuff accomplished. I also had the radio show. I was invited to lunch however and I went there while the show was on, so I only did the last hour of the show.
I went to Home Depot and picked up a power tool set that has a drill, sawzall, circular saw and other tools. I am excited about getting a chance to break it out and use it.
I got to Mercer Island and ready for the Christmas Cruise on time. I was a little worried about traffic at first. But it was not as bad as I thought it would be. We went over to Seattle and met up with the ship. This time I was able to be the guy driving the boat for most of the time out there. We also made a stop on a yacht that did not have running lights. The skipper did not know how to turn them on. I spent most of the time keeping my boat from hitting the yacht. At one point when we were leaving I thought I was going to hit it. But we didn’t.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Marine Patrol | Comment (0)Christmas Cruise
Today was the first Christmas Cruise and my first day doing real work. I got to Mercer Island around two-thirty and got ready to go to the boat. Our role was to make sure boats kept a distance from the cruise ship and to make a pathway for them once the concert was done at each location.
We first went over to Seattle and hung out there for a little bit waiting for the boat to get ready. I was working with Jeff and Dave. They were both very nice guys. Jeff went over a ton of stuff with me. I had some time to play around with my boat skills.
We made our way to Renton for the first concert. They are about twenty minutes long. People on the ships got to see the singers. Hundreds of people lined up on shore and listened in over the ships speakers. It was very loud. Following Renton we went on to Newcastle. I was driving for the second one after I saw what we were supposed to do.
I also ended up docking the boat in the darkness. I did a lot better than I thought I would. I was a little nervous but Jeff said I did a good job out there today and he was going to E-mail Keith and let him know I did well.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Marine Patrol | Comment (0)Indepth Boat Training
Today’s boat training was more indepth in the running of the boat. I had a chance to practice the maneuvering of the boat a lot more than the other day. There is a learning curve. It is going to take some time to get the hang of it.
We cruised around and Keith would quiz me on areas that I am in. At one point I was having a hard time remembering where some things where. Then he pointed to a house and asked who built it. I said Kenny G. He said you can’t remember were this is, you can’t remember where that is, but you can remember where Kenny G lives?!? Dan, the other guy on the boat started to laugh.
We were on the water for about four hours before calling it a day. The rest of the afternoon I spent at my mom’s house relaxing as much as I could and watching some TV. I thought about going to Fry’s because I do need to get another HD, but I failed in getting out of the house. I probably should have done that so I could use what is left of my store credit and get the HD.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Marine Patrol | Comment (0)KVI Christmas Party
I got to work with five new bugs that came out of a new feature. This is turning into something that is getting worse and worse. I hope we will get the bleeding stopped soon.
I worked on getting the bugs fixed until around six o’clock. Then I headed down to the Emerald Queen Casino for the KVI Christmas party. Dave was going to come but he called and let me know his grandma died. So I was going solo. It took an hour and a half to get down there. I was about thirty minutes late. When I got inside I found a lot of people there. I got in line for the food and then found a place to sit. I also gave my gifts to the Marines for Toys for Tots.
While sitting and eating my raffle ticket was drawn for a prize. I got my prize. I hung out by where Bryan Suits was talking about his time in Iraq. While there I found a ten-six-seven. I spent some time hanging around that area. Then I made my way to the front of the building. I saw John Carlson near the front. I went up to say hello to him. He turned and said my name. He remembered me. I was really impressed. We spoke for a couple minutes. I also saw Dave Carson who works there now. He is the producer for the Commentators.
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