What Gym To Join
I have spent some time online looking up various gyms. I want to join one that has a swimming pool that is not just crazy packed. I went to Twenty-Four-Hour Fitness. Their pool is actually shorter than the twenty-five yards I was looking for. There were a couple ten-six-seven’s working out, but overall it seemed pretty packed inside and the parking lot was crazy full.
I then went to LA Fitness. I got a tour around there. Yet more ten-six-sevens. I think they may have been a couple more. Possibly because of the time of night or just the younger crowd. But it would be a place I wouldn’t mind getting a workout done.
They also have a twenty-five yard pool. Parking is free and it is a little more open. Their stuff is spread among multiple floors. I didn’t make any commitments to either place, but I figured I would think about it and look for some good deals before I make a decision. I am going to go back to my salesman and see if I can workout something a little better. I am torn whether I want to pay to be able to go into multiple locations of LA Fitness or just stay at this one. The way I see it, this one is the best location for me to get to after work. I thought about seeing the one in Renton just to make a more informed decision.
The biggest thing for me is the swimming pool. If I didn’t care about the pool I would just join the one close to where my parents live. I had worked out there before. It did the trick for me.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Poker Tournament
I played in my second ever Washington State Poker Tour tournament. I played a couple years ago and this time around I planned on doing better. The field was smaller than the last time I played, but I knew many of the people there are good.
I won a couple smaller pots. I got a full-house with one person in it with me. I also lost a couple pots along the way. But after the first break the re-buys ended and people did add-ons. I hoped that I would start getting some cards to play with but I still wasn’t getting a lot of cards.
Sitting around the room were lots of guys. It is a guys only event. There were a couple ten-six-sevens. There was one at my table I was trying to figure out. He wore a light weight coat the whole time we were there. He had tats going down both arms. I am not a big fan of lots of tats, but there was something that kept my attention.
I finally got dealt a K-Seven suited. Two of the three cards that hit were of the same suit. I also paired my King. I checked to the guy who has raised pre-flop. He bet and I went over the top all-in. But it was only about double his original bet. He called. He had pocket Q’s to go with a Queen on the board. He had a set to my pair. I needed a heart to hit the board to allow me a victory. It didn’t come and I was knocked out.
I went to the cash that was starting up. We were playing dealers choice. The game was Crazy Pineapple. I got a pair of Kings and a three pre-flop. The three and one of the Kings were suited. The flop came and we threw away some cards. I threw away the three. I was sitting on two pair. The flop had a pair of eights. One guy bet and I called. Then the turn brought another eight. He bet and I called. The river came and he put me all in. I had a good full-house. But I couldn’t beat his quads. That knocked me out.
I went to Redmond High School to watch Logan play is football game. It was a night game. They lost. I headed home and went to see a movie. I chose to see The Other Guys. It was pretty funny. The theatre on the West Valley Highway only charges three bucks. The ticket taker was ten-six-seven. As I walked up he caught my eye. He was wheelchair bound and very friendly to talk to. I wanted to stick around and talk to him some more. I guess that is a second reason to go to that theatre… the other being really cheap.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Football, Friends, Poker, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)I am Employed
There has been a long stretch of my not writing blogs. It has been the longest stretch since I started this blog. It is not something I wanted, but with my old webhosting company and the problems I got out of the habit of doing it. Then trying to get caught up makes it difficult.
Then to top that off I have been in a situation where I am undergoing a major life changing event. I was offered a contact job at Brian’s company. This was something I was expecting. Actually I was expecting a full-time job offer, but it is for one year. The thing is I would be working out of the Kirkland office. When I interviewed with them I was ready to move to the Seattle area, but lately that feeling has changed.
I decided to take the offer, but I haven’t told anyone. So I went to Seattle for a visit, as far as anyone else knew. But some people were suspicious. Now, it is a lot more obvious as I have been working in Seattle for more than three weeks now. I haven’t been keeping the secret so much anymore. I have told some of the people in the Seattle area. I also told Ryan. During my second week the office manager came into my office and said he was offering me a full-time job. It would be doing something similiar to what I was doing, but I would be more of a tester/developer. But I could work my way to doing dev full-time down the road. But it sounds like they are willing to let me learn on the job.
I am going to learn some new technologies life Flex and Iron Phyton. I get to work from home on Friday’s so I will be going over to Pullman a lot. But I also plan on staying home on some weekends.
Yesterday I told them I was going to take the full-time job offer. I have also done a couple projects that they are happy with already. So it is good that things are going well for me right now. I am not going to make as much as I would like to make, but I figure I will go in and work hard and do a good job and earn a pay raise as I show them I am worth it.
So my plan is to try to hide it for another month and a half at the fire department. At some point I am going to have to do something there. I don’t know if I will have to quit or if we can work out some sort of deal. I hope we can just work something out. I will cross that bridge when I come to it.
Cooper pretty much knows that I am working in Seattle. He wants me to stay on there and just put in my hours to keep my commission. That is what I want to do as well. I love being a deputy.
I am going to have to work something out with Pete as well. I let him know that I didn’t know what the future held, but I do want to be the next coroner. So I need to do what I have to in order to make that come true. I also need to make sure I stay up with my OTEP training for my EMT certification.
For the last couple weeks I have been in Seattle Monday through Thursday night and then I drive to Pullman where I am until Sunday night. I am probably going to stay there on some Sunday nights and come back on Monday morning. But I have been playing all that by ear.
So far I have been doing what I did last time I lived in Seattle. I work all day and then come home and do nothing until the next day at work. I want to start to find things to do, but I need to start to rekindle some of my old relationships with some of my friends.
I am going to let the Sgt know at the marine patrol that I have my stuff with me and I am around a lot more so if they need someone in short notice that I should have some availability. But it sounds like I will be a very busy man at work as well. Once I start working as a FTE I will be working lots and lots of hours every week. So with my other activities I may have a hard time doing they hours they want me to. But right now it isn’t a big deal because all I do is sit around the house when I go home.
It is also important that I start some sort of work out program. There is some workout equipment at the office building where I work and I have access to it. I need to take advantage of it. Maybe I can work out following work and get on the road around seven when the traffic isn’t as bad.
Outside of that I have been a busy guy. I played in a co-ed fall league for softball with Spellman. I also played in a softball tournament this last weekend. We went three and out, but it was fun to play and it could be my last tournament with the Garden if I keep the job over here. That sucks because I do like the team and the guys I am playing with. Plus we picked up a ten-six-seven. We played another touranment with him. He is blonde and blue eyes. Plus he is very cool.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Major Life Event, Softball, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Family Reunion in North Dakota
There were not a lot of posts for the month fo June. Looking back I don’t even know what all the issues were, but I wanted to get caught up on the month.
I went on a trip to North Dakota for a couple days. Jon and I met up in Salt Lake City and flew into North Dakota. We were there for a family reunion. We started the night by going out to dinner as a large group. Jon and I checked into our hotel room and spent a lot of time with Grandma Anderson. We played card games and just hung around talking. Larry, Dale, and Karen were all there. On Saturday we went to Makoti for the actual family reunion. We saw the place where grandma and grandpa Anderson grew up. Makoti is a small town in North Dakota a ways from Minot.
While there Jon and I saw our uncle Wayne and cousin Tom and Sheila. One night we went to a couple of bars with them. It was great to see the family. We went to the Mouse River where Tom has a place where he stays on weekends.
After we were done there we went to some races. The track in Minot was under re-construction. We had to drive to another town. Sitting in the stands there was a ten-six-seven sitting next to me. He had the most piercing blue eyes. I could not stop looking his way. I cannot believe I wasn’t caught watching him. His eyes were absolutely incredible. Just incredible blue.
I had a great tim seeing family in North Dakota.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Job Interviews
I drove to Seattle late night so I could go to a couple job interviews today. The first one was at Microsoft. It would be working for one company and then getting sent to be part of a team doing work for Microsoft. This was the technical portion of the interview. It didn’t got too great. The question was about lists and array’s. I just don’t do them enough to be able to discuss them very well. When it was all said and done the interviewer spent most of the time at the white board writing stuff and I ended up writing two words. I haven’t heard back from them yet. I doubt I will.
The next interview was with a company in downtown Seattle. It was for a company that has an ecommerce website. The guy who does it now is a Brit. As the interview went on I started to see him as hotter and hotter. His accent was just great to listen to. Then it was his hair. I just wanted to stay talking to him. But it was not to be. The interview ended. I just wanted to stay though because the more I talked to him the more attractive I was finding him. The style he did was fun. He showed a simple webpage that had some calculator functions.
In the evening I was watching House. While that was on I texted back and forth with Peter a little bit. Then I talked to Russell. He was in Bellevue. We met up there and caught up. When I showed up he ran out to meet me and gave me a hug. We went inside and talked. He was telling me about his schooling and the networking that he is doing. We went to my rig and continued to talk for about another hour. I was telling him about my situation with the job interviews and my situation at Pullman Fire and my long term livelihood in Pullman. I let him know that I am resigned to the fact that I will be moving back to Seattle soon.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Pullman Fire, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Saw Him in Pullman
I just saw the ten-six-seven I wrote about yesterday who went to Stateline with his dad and grandpa. I was turning out of Blake’s apartment. I want to say goodbye to him and wish him the best because I didn’t get to do that last night. As I left his apartment complex I saw a truck drive by me. The person in the passenger seat looked just like the guy I saw last night. I immediately noted that when he drove by. Then I turned on to the road and I was behind the truck. It has the same sticker in the back window as the truck did last night. I then knew for sure it was the same guy. That was just crazy.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)The Day in Spokane
I got up and made it to the fire station to head to Spokane for a goodbye party for Pritch. He is going to a new fire department. We went to Northern Quest Casino first. We played craps for a while. I don’t know much about it, but I did okay at first and ended up losing eighty bucks in my learning how to play it.
We grabbed some lunch and went over to El Patio. It is a hole in the wall kind of place the guys like. We played some pool and shuffelboard. We hung out there for a couple hours. Then it was off to Stateline. We watched the performers and it was a good time. Not really the kind of place a Mo hangs out, but I had a good time. While there I found some eye candy for me to watch. It gave something for everyone to watch. He wasn’t there all that long, but it was weird, it looked like he was there with his dad and grandpa. I wouldn’t want to go to a place like that with my family like that. At one point someone pulled up his shirt. That, of course, didn’t bother me. It was simply more eye candy for me.
We left around six to get back to Pullman in time for me to be at the fire station by eigth o’clock PM. I drove back Richards’ truck and Chia was with me. Today was good with him. After a little bit of time it was like we were back to normal. I am glad I wrote him the message the other day. It made for a better day today. I had a good time hanging out with him and the others.
Chia and I had a good talk on the way back and spent time talking about the sheriff”s office and his interest in being a reserve. I think it would be cool for him to join up.
When I got home and I went to the Deuce. I was talking to Chuck and Pauly. They were giving me a hard time about knowing if I got the job and I told them I didn’t know. They thought I knew but was told not to tell anyone. But they did not believe me in the slightest. The funny thing is no one believes me. I was asking them how long after the interview they found out. I have heard people say anything from an hour after the interview to a week later. So I am not sure what to think. I wish I knew.
But I have been thinking about it. I am not sure if I will stay a reserve past this month. If I get the job that I will leave the reserves to be full-time. If I don’t get the job part of me would think it would be time to leave the reserve program. Just on principle alone. I wouldn’t be very happy to continue to be there if I was not hired. But if the decision is based only on the interview and nothing more, it could be bad for me. Only time will tell. Needless to say I am not feeling good about things right now.
So today was good because I had a good time with the guys in Spokane and I had a chance to be with Chia and get past things, but I am pretty stressed about not knowing what the future holds. But as I always say, thing happen for a reason. If I don’t get the job it will be for a reason. Only time will tell.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Pullman Fire, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)The Thunder Win!
I was playing in a softball tournament in Lewiston this weekend. Our first game we played against a team we should have beat. They were not that great, but we couldn’t hit. I was hitless in the game. That really sucked. The team we played against had this guy who played catcher. He had brown eyes, but he was well built. Just a bit shorter than me. He had short hair. I was playing catcher too so I was able to check him out as he came to the plate each time.
I was dragging because of how late I was up. Several of us went to Sharps for lunch while waiting for our next game. We were waiting at the field. But a storm was moving in. It hit hard about twenty minutes before the game was to start. The rain caused a b ig delay in the game. I had to leave to do the Palouse Thunder football game. So I took off and headed to Lapwai.
I got to the field and got my stuff set up in the booth. The music was playing and I worked on getting the roster from the Columbia Basin Riverhawks squared away. The interested thing about football is that there are people of all shapes that play. There is always eye candy at such games. The Thunder went on to win. It was close for the first half, but the second half they pulled away. But the Riverhawks only had fifteen people on the team so they were playing both ways and they were getting tired.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Football, Softball, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Spokane Softball Day Two
I met up with Steven and Matt. We carpooled to Spokane. We had a single game today for the softball tournament. It was a consolation game because we lost the first two games.
I thought we might have a chance against this team because we played pretty well yesterday, but we couldn’t get the bats going too well. We had a couple innings where we scored a few runs, but they teed off on us.
While we were playing a guy who plays on Biesen’s men’s team. He came over shirtless. It was a pleasant sight. It was almost distracting… for me. He was pretty well defined and was worth looking at for a while. But he left and that sucked, because there went my eye candy.
After the game Ryan, Steven, Steve, Matt, and Faber all went to the Spokane Valley Mall for some lunch. We hung out in the food court eating and talking about major league baseball.
The tournament over all treated me well. I never ended up meeting with Todd, but there was good eye candy on both days to give me something worth looking at.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Softball, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Softball Tournament in Spokane
I met up with Matt, Steven, Faber, and Steve to head up to Spokane for the Spring Fling Softball tournament. I picked up Christopher in Colfax and we made it to Spokane in about an hour and a half. Other started to show up little by little. I had thirteen guys in all. Some of them were former Nadirs as well as current Nadirs. It was our first tournament as a Nadirs team.
We knew something was up when the other team showed up in matching pants, shirts, and hats. It wasn’t long before we found out we were in the wrong division. We were playing in the B league which would have been fine in Pullman. But in Spokane we should have been playing D or maybe C. But really should have been D. In the first game we only scored two runs. We got ten-runned, but aside from the first inning where we let up six runs. We only let up two or three after that. We just couldn’t score.
Christopher got hurt running to first base and hitting the bag wrong. So we lost him halfway through the first game and for the rest of the day. We hung out between games at the field. We ran into GPa and we were talking about our placement. He said “Whoa” when we let him know what league we were in. His team was playing in the C division. So we were way out of our league.
We got to the second game and played another team we found out plays A league in Spokane. We played them tight. We finally hit the ball well. We lost by five, nineteen to twenty-four. That was a fun game. It was a great confidence booster for us.
After the game we went to Red Robin for dinner. We were waiting for our turn and a guy who worked there, Connor, was ten-six-seven. We had to wait for a while, but I didn’t mind. Ryan and I were texting back and forth about him. He said I should invite him to sit with us when he went on break. If I thought he was family I would have loved to. It was a nice way to wait around.
After dinner we headed back to Pullman. I got home and went to bed after ten o’clock PM. I was going to get up early for our consolation game on Sunday.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Softball, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Something About the Fauxhawk
I drove up to Liberty Lake for a job interview. This was a follow-up to the test they had me drive up to do a couple weeks ago. I got a late start and I had to push it to get there on time. I pulled into the parking lot right at the time for the appointment. I interviewed with one guy. The nice thing is he was ten-six-seven. Something about the fauxhawk and the barley visible goatee, but the obvious soul patch. I had something worth looking at. But the interview itself went about twenty minutes. I pretty much told him what was on my resume, which was sitting in front of him, and he told me the same stuff I was told on a previous phone call. The point is it was pointless. Also based on the rate of pay, I am not going to be able to take the job. The pay rate is just too low.
After the interview I got some pizza from Rocky Racoco’s and went to Ryan’s house. We watched the Simpson’s and Family Guy. I played with Zoey a little bit.
I hit the road and make my way back to Colfax to hit the road. I got a call to St. John early on for a vandalism call. I went and took care of that. Then it was out to Endicott. I was there for a couple hours in total. I got a chance to learn the streets of the town a lot better and I drove around on them multiple times. I went off duty around midnight because I was going to have to get up early again to take my rig to Kendall Dodge. I am getting bored of bring it down all the time.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Ten-Six-Seven, WCSO | Comment (0)Happy Birthday Partner.
Melcher and I went out to work the road today. We went to Albion to try to arrest someone on a warrant. We were not able to get the person, but we thought the person was there, just we couldn’t get him. We did an hour of time in Albion. Then we went to serve some papers. I was starting to feel horrible. I got some pain killers and my headache was not going away.
We went to McDonald’s for dinner. As we sat there for about an hour I started to feel much better. We ran some traffic on Twenty-Six. We found a guy doing twenty-five over and was failing to yield at first. Finally he stopped. Melcher wrote him.
When we were done we went to My Office. I bought Melcher a couple beers for his birthday. As we sat there I saw this guy shooting pool. Looking at him I was thinking he was barely twenty-one. After a while of shooting he came over and asked me if I had a dip. He didn’t see me having any, I think it was just an off chance that I would have one. I gave him a dip and then he sat down with his friend. Both were ten-six-seven. The guy who got a dip from me was blonde and looked like he was muscular. We were talking about what they were studying at WSU and what not. When they asked what we did, I told them I am a computer programmer. Melcher said he worked for a local company as an advisor.
All four of us stayed talking until the bar closed.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Ten-Six-Seven, WCSO | Comment (0)Softball in the Winter
I thought my softball stuff was put away for the winter, but there was a softball pick-up game in Seattle that I was able to play in. It was put on by a guy who plays softball in the ECSA. Several others who played also are in the ECSA. Two of the guys really caught my eye. One was an athletic guy. He play shortstop for my team. He had the couple-day facial hair growth going for himself. I would have placed him in the cute category. The other guy was a little more of my kind of guy. He was blonde hair and blue eyes. He had a nice smile and also was athletic. He wasn’t over weight, but he had some bulk about him. He wore a baseball hat with a well rounded bill. He was ten-six-seven.
We played about an hour and a half of softball total. I was hitting the ball well. I had a fielding error. I let a ball go under my glove. But I had a great time.
I headed up to Bellingham to see Joe and Doug. I was also doing a ride along with Joe. I got to their place and we chatted about their house and about their cats. Then Joe and I hit the road. It was a pretty quiet night over all. I got a chance to see him do a DRE evaluation for someone suspected of being on drugs. I headed home at three in the morning.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Softball, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Christmas Eve with the Family
This morning the plan was to go shopping for some stuff for my mom and stepdad. I decided to brave the mall and go to Southcenter. I posted that on facebook and people were sending messages about me wearing kevlar and to R.I.P. Southcenter is a little more rough than when I was younger, but it didn’t seem bad at all yesterday.
As I navigated through out the mall and some of the stores I found myself face to face with ten-six-sevens. There was one that had a perfect face with perfect skin. I was in awe. Maybe that helped to make the trip there so nice.
But as I walked around from store to store looking for ideas I was coming up blank. I couldn’t find anything that I wanted to buy. It sucked. So I texted Jon who said I should get mom a gift card. I ended up getting one for Bill as well.
I got home and watched the Rockford Files then headed to Jon’s for dinner and the gift exchange. We had Chinese food and everyone sat around talking. We talked about guns and computer programming.
I got router bits and patrol gloves for Christmas. I also got a birthday present of Office Two-Thousand-Seven from Jon and his family.
I headed out around ten o’clock to head home. It was a nice time with the family.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Happy Twenty-Fifth Pritch
This morning we had a critique for one of the two recent fires at Terrace Estates. It really didn’t bring out a lot other than some communication issues and dealing with the cold.
Later on I had a transfer in the city with Chuck. I got a rescue crew to come along to help us with lifting. It was a round trip to the hospital and back to her residence.
After the transfer I had some time before I had to head off to the Rimrock Search critique. On the way down I called Chia to see what he was doing on Friday. He then said they were out with Pritch at Zeppoz for his birthday. They said I needed to come. But because I am going to the critique and on call I didn’t think I would make it out.
I was near Zeppoz when that conversation took place. I popped into Zeppoz and wished Blake a happy birthday. I said hello to the other guys who were there before hitting the road for Colton.
This critique was a lot more involved than the one from this morning. We started with a slide show the Sheriff put together. Then they talked about how the search was started. Then on to things that went well. That was pretty brief. Then we talked about things that didn’t go well. There was a bit of a longer list.
Several of the things they came out with were valid. One was communication problems. One was not having an ambulance or a visible designated EMS team for the searchers. Then there were a couple things that caused some grief that I was involved in. One was the use of the Spokane mountain rescue team to help with the recovery. I spoke up as to what my thoughts were. Pretty much when we are in recovery mode, there is no hurry and safety is of the utmost importance. Then there was one issue I brought up where I blocked the only pathway to get people out of the area where they searched. I got committed and I couldn’t move. That caused some people to get upset because they wanted to get out of there and they were forced to wait. I explained what my mistake was and how I intended to correct it in the future. Pretty much, it was, me being the last unit out of an area like that.
When the critique was over with I think people were overall happy with the command and the decisions made. We learned a little.
I came back to Pullman. I called up another guy on the fire department to see if he would cover for me so I could go out with the guys. I was able to get coverage. I went to the hill. I met up with the two Blakes, Chia, Chuck, Timmy, and Mully at the Coug. I had two beers while there.
Later we went to ValHalla for some more action. I didn’t drink anything there. Ross was working and we talked for a while before I made my way to the other guys. Chuck and I were talking about his upcoming promotion to Senior Firefighter. Chia was getting ready to go so we said goodbye to him.
After we left there we went to Mike’s. While at Mike’s a guy who Ben introduced me to a couple weekends ago was there. He saw me and came over to say hello and wish me a happy birthday. He is ten-six-seven and a very nice person. I enjoyed playing pool with him when we were at Mike’s before. He told me to remember him when it came to softball season this Spring. I told him I would for sure.
Blake, Chuck, and I went to TLD after we left Mike’s. We got a burrito to go. I went home and went to bed.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Coroner, Friends, Pullman Fire, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Mr. Lightweight
I got a phone call this morning to go over a couple work related things with the company that is looking to give me a contract. That was only a five minute phone call.
I got cleaned up and put on my Class-B uniform for the fire department. I got my boots and headed to the Deuce. I needed to show two new guys around Beasley because we had no one else to work the events with the badge pinning ceremony going on.
I spent the time when I got there shining my boots and watching TV. I waited around watching TV until the guys got to the station to start the training. I showed them what equipment they needed and headed to Beasley with them. I helped them get the beds set up and walked around some of the places they needed to know about. As it got close to two I had to run out to the badge pinning ceremony.
When I got to the Pioneer Center I gave my camera to Ryan who was shooting the pics. We started to get our seats and the ceremony started. It was one career and about twelve reserves getting their badges. I had asked Gollnick to pin me but he wasn’t able to. I also asked Chia, and he wasn’t available. I then asked Turpin. He did it. The whole ceremony took just over thirty minutes.
I went home and Victor gave me a ride up to the WSU police station. We were doing the Wet Lab drinking in the old WSU Fire station. We played some cards and ate a little bit while drinking drinks as Matt made them for us.
I was supposed to be the most drunk. After a double-shot, I was blowing a just under a point-zero-two. I was going to have a long way to go to get where Matt wanted me. His plan was to have me at a point-one-two. But as I was getting towards the point-zero-eight, the legal limit in Washington, I was really feeling the effects. I am a bit of a light weight.
We made our way to the CUE. I was feeling pretty good, but Matt also had me get a couple more shots. While there I had a point-seven-three reading near the start and a point-seven-eight at the end. I wasn’t legally intoxicated, but people would argue I was under the influence. I hardly could stay in the starting position.
I knew my eyes were not doing well, I could feel them spazzing out at max. dev. I figured I would not do too well when they decided whether to arrest or not.
Sure enough at the end they saw I had six clues in my eyes. That is the most possible. I also had about two to four clues in the other tests on average. Most people put me at a point-one-three or so. I was nearly half that. When they heard what level I was they burst out in laughter. It was a good time.
When we were done I got a ride to ValHalla to meet up with Ben. He was in town for a turf club Open To Close event yesterday at the Coug. I got to ValHalla and start to drink water. That was my drink of choice for the rest of the evening. We at ValHalla with a couple others guys Ben knows. Brandon, was one of the guys with Ben. He plays softball with Barge’s IM team. Ben is telling me I should try to steal him.
Brandon was very nice. He was easy to chat with. Ben said he is competitive and a good player. We walked to Mike’s and played some pool there. I could see Brandon’s competitive edge come out. We stayed at Mike’s until just before two o’clock.
I walked back to ValHalla with the group but I broke off with them. Ben gave me a hug and said good bye. I went downstairs and waited for my taxi to show up. I ran into Mully and Pritch. We all shared a taxi to get home.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Pullman Fire, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Good Start, Bad Ending
Today is Halloween and I am looking forward to having a good time. I am going to one party and then I will probably go to a second one with a guy I work with, finally I am going to hopefully go to a bar.
Last night the fire department was very busy running from call to call. I listened to a lot of it last night, and I was up this morning. It was a nice day. It is a Saturday. I was thinking about going to Moscow Fire for a pancake feed, but it was late enough in the morning and with the Vandal Homecoming parade gearing up I didn’t want to get stuck in tons of traffic.
Chia called me and we talked for a little while. I am happy he called me. I was getting concerned that he was mad at me for some reason. In the early afternoon I went to the store to get some M&Ms; for the party tonight. They were packed so I figured the guys would be busy tonight.
As it was getting close to time to go to Mike’s place for the beer tasting Halloween party, I got a call from BKoe. Some of the guys were at My Office. I came down and had some water with them. CBass and Kuhrt were there as well.
I left as it was getting close to six. I went home and got my costume put on. I go to Mike’s and Heidi was there. Kuhrt showed up later. I got some food and gave them my M&Ms.; I sat at the table and everyone was talking and we were also watching the Cougs play Notre Dame. The Cougs lost.
I was there until around nine o’clock. Then I drove to Dan’s house. I did some trick or treating there. I looked around at Dan’s set up and we talked for about half an hour.
I texted Togs and then went over to meet up with him. We talked by the road for a while and got a couple photos. I went into the backyard of the house party when I overheard a guy calling me a faggot. Sort of caught me off guard. He knows I am gay, but I would not have thought that you felt that way about me.
This is why I hate it when I know that people know. Because I think about what they think about me. When I don’t know, then I don’t have those thoughts and I don’t get preoccupied. It is just so much easier to be in the dark.
So, after that I just wanted to leave. I wanted to confront him a little bit as well, but with him having been drinking and being at the party, I didn’t want to get into it. The wind had been taken out of my sails for the night. I decided not to hit the bar and just drove home.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Mo, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Dissmore’s is Packed
So I am at Dissmores and it is packed. Last night the fire department ran like crazy due to this being Halloween weekend. It was pretty crazy, and with what Dissmores looks like there could be more tonight.
As I was getting ready to get in line I caught a glimpse of a guy in front of me. He had perfect skin. He had dark hair that was well groomed. I like blondes better, but it looked good on him. He was ten-six-seven. The hard part was to not get caught trying to check him out at the check out.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Ankle Worked on Again
I got up this morning and met up with Jeremy to head to the airport to fly to Seattle. We met up just after four in the morning. The taxi got us to the airport, but as it turned out, Alaska’s booths were not open. So I had to get in line and wait until five when they opened. I was the first in line, so that was nice, but they let all the first-class people go first. Jeremy was flying first class, so I was giving him a bit of a hard time.
We got through security really fast because it was five in the morning and there were not a lot of people there. Jeremy and I sat there waiting for our chance to get onto the plane. Because he was first class he got on first. As I walked past him I joked that he should have a good time up there, I was going “back there” and pointed to coach.
I was in my window seat. I put on my sunglasses and I pretty much planned on sleeping. Though I got decent sleep last night, I was still tired. While waiting to actually fall asleep I was this guy walk on the plane. He had incredible eyes. They were blue and he was a blond. His jaw line was very nice. He was one of those guys you swear you have seen somewhere else. He was ten-six-seven, and I couldn’t help to wish he was sitting next to me. But, it was not to be. I wish I could have met him and talked with him, I just wanted to know more.
The flight took just over two hours and I slept for most of those. I was getting a little restless because I had surgery today and I wanted to get it over with.
After I got off the plane I met up with Jeremy again. He got off the plane way before me. But it did give me another chance to check out the ten-six-seven. I am guessing he is in his mid-twenties. I just wish I would have had a seat next to him. I wanted to have a reason to say hello to him.
As Jeremy were going to baggage claim I saw the guy was going in the same direction as us. He got on the same tram car as we got on. Because of where I was seated the guy was standing, it allowed more time for sight-seeing.
Jeremy got to the baggage claim and got our luggage. We walked outside together and he wished me well with my surgery and worked his way to get home. I was waiting for Bill. I was wishing my ten-six-seven was out there waiting too, it could have been my chance to say hi, but I didn’t see him.
Bill showed up and we took off. But he made a bad turn and ended up going right past the terminal again. As we were passing the terminal I saw the ten-six-seven walk over to a car that was picking him up. So he had been in the area and I missed him. Darn it anyway!
We went to the house and I got the suitcase out of the truck. I was getting my room ready for me for tonight after the surgery. I was probably going to be hating life, because I tend to after surgery.
I got a phone call from the doctor’s office. They asked if I could come in early because the doctor was ahead of schedule. I said I would. I got into the office and got the paperwork completed and I was called into the backroom.
I got in my gown, I got an IV and my vitals taken. It took two tries to get the IV going. The doctor came into the room and explained what he was going to do.
I was taken into the operating room. I layed down on the table. They started to do what they needed to do. The nurse gave me some oxygen. She said take some deep breaths. I figured out shortly after the first couple breaths what was going on. She wanted to get my oxygen level up so they could intubate me. I could feel a little bit of a stinging sensation in my IV. I thought she was putting some pressure on it on accident. She said I would probably feel a little bit of a stanging sensation. All of a sudden I could tell I was getting put under. There was no warning, it was happening. I didn’t try to fight it, I just closed my eyes.
All of a sudden I was sitting in recovery. I was getting woken up with a popscicle. I didn’t feel too bad. I was very cold and they gave me a warm blanket. I was getting more awake. Rather than letting myself sleep, I sort of fought it and before I knew it I was mostly awake. I didn’t feel great, but I didn’t feel bad. I had some graham crackers and apple juice. It was good. Then they gave me some oxycodone. After about an hour I was being let out. I had been given the instructions for what to do. Compared to last time this was nothing. I didn’t feel bad on the trip home and I was waking up easily.
I got home and went to my bedroom. For the rest of the evening I watched TV, drank apple juice, ate graham crackers, and took meds. I didn’t feel that bad at all. I would fall asleep for about five minutes or less and then get back up to watch more TV. I was making sure my ankle stayed elevated.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Major Life Event, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)How do you Say Taco in Spanish?
I arranged to hang out with Joe and Doug today. I haven’t seen Joe in a long time. I first had to run to the doctor to have him look at my MRI and give me the results. Pretty much I am going to be going in for a surgery something in November or December.
I went from there straight to Bellingham. I put in Joe’s address to the GPS and it lead me directly to his house. There was some bad traffic near Everett and it was able to get me on some surface streets and got me around all the traffic.
When I got to Joe’s place he gave me the tour of the place. It is a great house. They had it built for them. They also own several acres around it. It had lots of trees and makes you feel like you don’t have any neighbors.
Doug got home from work a little bit after I got there. We went to a Mexican place for dinner. We met up with another family couple. We had dinner and conversation. Joe was going to order another chicken taco. They were talking in Spanish a little bit. One guy said what the order would sound like in Spanish, something like “dos tacos con pollo por favor”. When that is said the word tacos stands out because it is so Americanized. So I jokingly said “What is the Spanish work for taco?” One guy at the table said that is the Spanish word. Taco is a Spanish word. He was tyring to explain that. Then everyone started to laugh and someone explained I was making a joke. They told me later on that guy is pretty much always like that.
After dinner we went to a bowling alley and bowled a couple games. I was bowling mainly in the mid one forties. It wasn’t too bad for having not any bowling practice in the last couple months. Doug beat me on two of the games. It was a fun time at the bowling alley.
When we were walking outside. While out there Joe asked if I had to get running. I said I am not in any hurry. So we walked to a bar. It was a place called Rumors. It had rainbow flags and other such decorations around the place. It was a gay bar. I had some pop and the others were having beer. We sat around a table talking about various subjects. Joe and I talked about stuff from when we were back at college including a mutual friend. I asked Joe how he know about me so long ago. Back when I was heavily closeted. He said he has great gaydar. Then he said one day when we were at the mutual friends’ house something happened that solidified it. The friend came into the kitchen shirtless. He was ten-six-seven in every way. I guess I couldn’t take my eyes off him. Joe noticed that. He said that was the thing that made him realize that he was correct about him thoughts.
After the bar closed I gave them a ride home and drove myself home.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Mo, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Hanging with Keith
I went to the Three Pigs for lunch with Jon and Terry. We sat there and ate as well as talked about sports. One guy sitting in the booth next to us looked familiar. He was a younger man dressed nicely in formal work clothing. I think I have seen him at WSU in the past.
Today I was going to meet up with Keith and have dinner and watch the season finale of Rescue Me. I went to his place in Woodinville. We then went to the Redhook Brewery. We went on the tour. We got a glass and were able to have some beer as they explained about the history of the brewery and showed us around. The tour guide was energetic and good looking. One guy in the group was ten-six-seven. He looked like someone I have seen at WSU in the past, but he was from Chicago, so I doubt I had seen him before. I couldn’t stop checking him out.
Following the tour we had dinner and then went to Keith’s house. We watched Rescue Me. It was a good episode. It was left as a cliff hanger, or course. When that was done I took off. Keith gave me a hug and we made plans to have him come out to Pullman soon.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)First Show in Years
This morning I had to be up early. With the number of calls and when we got them I was running on just over three hours of sleep. I went to Pullman for the first softball game. As it turned out we had four games. The first three were round-robin. When those were done we started the double-elim tournament. The first few games were pretty ugly for us. We were not hitting the ball very well. We lost several of the games by a pretty big margin. We had a two hour break. I went to Cougar Country for some hamburgers and then drove to Moscow for our first double-elim game. We were playing a team that we should have no problem beating.
But it was not to be. We had a battle back and forth. We would score and they would answer. A couple runs at a time. Finally we had a one run lead. The other team hit a three-run shot and went up by two. We ended up losing the game. That put us in the loser bracket and playing at nine in the morning tomorrow.
I hurried back to Pullman and got my fire department uniform on. I was working the event at Beasley. It was a play, the same one I went to last night. I was working with Walker. We spent most of the time chatting about testing for different fire departments. Then I put on Transformers. We got about half way through it when the play got over.
Then it was off to my place again to change for the drag show in Moscow. I am not into drag at all. It is not my thing. But the show is sort of a gay get together. I don’t really know many gay people in the area, but I thought I would go and see what it is like. I got cleaned up and went to pick up Gunnar.
We went to the show and they were in the middle of a set. When it was done we went into the main room and sat down at a table. We spent a lot of time people-watching. There was a group of ten-six-seven’s dancing with their shirts off. It is a time for them to show off their stuff. So the scenery was good, but I had a boy there with me so I didn’t really want to not pay attention to the hotties dancing. I haven’t been to a show in many years. It was when Russel and Scotty were still in the area. It was a little different because of the venue.
We watched and talked about the various people we saw there. Some faster songs came on so he went out to dance a little bit. I watched him do that. When he got done it was very hot inside the place and he wanted to get some cool air.
We went outside and walked towards my rig. It was near the end of the show anyway so we headed home.
I went to his place to drop him off. We sat outside for about ten minutes talking about stuff. We had dated a little back in December. He wants to get back with me. So we talked about getting together again. I went home and got some dinner before I went to bed. I was pretty tired and I had to get to bed for our softball games in the morning.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Mo, Pullman Fire, Softball, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Fall Co-ed Season is Under Way
After the second straight night of going to bed late I woke up around ten o’clock. The big plan of the day was to go a movie with BKoe. I got the photos for the photo board at the Deuce cropped and ready to go. I took a motorcycle and drove down to the Deuce. I updated the photo board at the station and then went to station one. I met up with Heston and showed him I printouts for the possible reserve recruitment sign.
I was at station one for while talking with Heston and Brown. I let Brown know that I would not be able to be at training tonight because something going on over Moscow. He asked what I was going to be doing, but I didn’t tell him because I did not think he would understand that I want to play softball.
After I left the station I went to the bank to deposit my coroner’s check. I got ten dollars cash back. I went to the Man Shop to get my hair cut. I got my normal short haircut and I was able to get a razor shave on the back of my neck. I wish it was a standard at most barbershops but it’s not.
On the way out of the barbershop I saw Joseph from the Thunder football team. He asked me if I would be the announcer for next year’s team. I told him that I would do it. I told him that I was too busy this year to make any games.
I got ready to go see the movie with BKoe. I took my motorcycle to Safeway to get some pop and pretzels for the movie and then I drove to the theater. BKoe got to the movie theater just as I was getting there we walked in together and went into the theater. Matt and CBass were supposed to go to the movie with us but they were not able to make it.
After the movie was over I got home and got my uniform for the softball game. I headed over to Moscow and met up with the rest of the team. While at the field I could see some smoke in the distance coming from a grain bin. I watched it for a while and it did appear that there could have been a fire in the grain bin. I finally called Whitcom and talked to a dispatcher. Moscow fire was advised but they found it was actually dust from farming operations and not a fire.
The game started and I was an extra hitter but I got to play first base after the second inning. The shortstop for the other team was a ten-six-seven. I spent part of the game watching him play his position. The one thing I noticed is his throws to first always seem to loft over there. In the sixth inning he was coaching first base and grabbed a bag of Redman chew and took a plug of dip.
The final out of the sixth inning was a ball hit up the first baseline. I charged the ball and hit off my mitt but it stayed on the ground right below me. I picked up the ball and tossed it to Joe who was covering first base from pitcher and we make the out. In the seventh inning I wrote the pine. We won the game and a group of us headed to the Sports Page tavern in Pullman. I got something to read and we sat around talking sports. I left the bar around ten o’clock. I got home and started working on the speech recognition on my laptop. It seems right down to take the longer to write anything however as soon as I learn how to use speech recognition better this should really be cool.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Pullman Fire, Softball, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Going Out with a Structure Fire
As I was waking up this morning I wasn’t sure how my final couple hours would end. I was thinking that I should have ended the night of the Staley fire so I could end on a fire. Before seven o’clock rolled around the tones go off for a structure fire. We could see the smoke from the station.
We got on scene in the ambulance and were made into the backup team. We went to the attic where the seat of the fire was. Eric, who was on his first day back, was on the nozzle and put the fire out. It was still pretty small, but growing. It was lucky that we got there when we did and that the fire was not in the wee hours of the morning when it could have really taken off. I ended up putting in an hour and a half of overtime. So my full-time tally was one year, one month, four days and one and a half hours. It has been a good run.
I got back to the station and got the last remaining items from the station cleared out and headed to Tam’s Place for breakfast with Chia, Keeton, Young, and Pritchett. I left after I was done eating so I could get a couple things done before meeting up with the guys to go to the river. I dropped off my turn outs at the station and went home. I got a couple things taken care of at home and packed my stuff to go to the river.
I went to Pritchett’s place. We were meeting up there. From there Keeton, Pritchett, and I rode together to the river. We got there and made our way to the beach. It is a long haul from the parking lot. I didn’t know how long it was because I had never gone there without being on a boat.
We set up our area. I put on some suntan lotion and we went into the water. We played fetch with Chia’s and Pritchett’s dogs. We were there for hours watching as more and more people showed up. As the college students started to arrive the scenery was great. You couldn’t look somewhere without finding a couple ten-six-sevens. I really enjoyed the scenery while playing with the dogs.
Brown showed up with his boat. We hung out for a while near his boat and then went for some tubing. I hit the water and the rope on the tube was really long, so I was getting whipped around pretty good. I had a couple good wrecks along the way. Including one where I went about twenty feet sliding on the water before rolling.
It was getting close to five so we started to pack up and make our way back home. It was a good afternoon on the water.
I got cleaned up. I waited from BKoe to show up but as seven o’clock was rolling around he was no where to be found. I texted him and he was in Moscow. He forgot he was going to give me a ride to the bar. So I called Pritchett and he gave me a ride down to the bar.
We got there just after seven o’clock. Guys filtered in over the next two hours. It was a going away party for me from the career ranks. It was very nice to see some of these people stop by and wish me well and let me know they enjoyed working with me.
I had a couple guys over the last few months let me know that at first they were not sure what to think about me coming on at first. But they said that I have been a great addition. They really have enjoyed working with me and think that I am a pretty darn good guy.
One guy and I talked for a while about stuff. I remember when we would go on calls together I didn’t know what to think. We talked and all was good. But when we were on shift together at first I think there was the feeling that we didn’t know each other. And as time went on he warmed up to me and got to know me and the same of me towards him. I really think he a good person and I really enjoy talking with him.
As the night rolled on I got some beer purchased for me and we sat around talking, playing pool and darts. When it was nearly eleven o’clock we made our way to TBag. Pritchett was already there. I was given a couple shots of hard-A. I wasn’t really wanting to have them, but I cowboyed up and drank them. We played pool and sat around talking.
Then one guy came up and said the words that I know will lead us to a specific conversation. It was, something along the lines of “It doesn’t matter to me, you’re a good guy, so it really will not make a difference, but…” That is the start of someone wanting to know if I am gay.
With the guy who was asking, I wasn’t sure if he knew or not. But he has been around for a long time so I had to assume that he had heard through the grapevine. He said he had heard some stuff, but he didn’t believe it until he heard for himself. I told him that I hit for the other team. I told him that I don’t really tell people because I don’t want them to act differently around me. I told him I like the fact that when I have been around him for all this time he wasn’t afraid to say things and not worry about offending me. I told him I wanted him to remain feeling that way. He is one of those guys who always says “That is gay” or things like that. He said he sort of knew that something was probably up because I am not interested in the hot girls as everyone else is. He could tell so he figured something was up. I am glad that he asked and now I know that he knows.
I had asked Chia a while back if others on the shift knew. He said he didn’t know. He said that no one would care. I believe that is true, but I wanted to know. I would like to think they all knew and still were the way they were around me. Which would show they are comfortable with me. I just feel like if I walk into a room and people feel like they have to watch what they say, that it would be a strain to be around me and they would just choose not to be around me. I don’t want that. I really don’t care what people say, because I believe you have to choose to be offended. I choose not to be offended by that kind of stuff.
The other Blake came up to me and started to say the same thing. I thought it would all be coming out that night. But before I confirmed anything I had to know exactly what he was asking. As it turned out with him he was talking about something totally different. So I don’t know if he knows. I guess thinking about it now, I am not sure if I just want to come out to those guys and that way I know that they know and I can just get on with things, or continue to play the game I have been playing. I am not sure if I want the reserves to know. I know that some do know, but I always hate it when the new reserves find out about me because it is always something that someone else brings up. Over the years I have had a couple guys ask me straight up. I always will confirm it if they ask. I like it when they ask, because if they are willing to ask they will typically not make a big deal about it at all.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Mo, Pullman Fire, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Rosalia Motorcycle Show
This morning I headed up to Rosalia to work the motorcycle show. I was working it with one other reserve. I started by getting a patrol car from the office and getting some equipment loaded into it. I got to Rosalia and met up with the guy I was working with. He had come out of Spokane and just wanted to meet there. We staged at the fire station. We got the Rhino and drove down to the park.
I parked the car there in a visible location. Then we rode around the park in the Rhino. We chatted with some people along the way. We would wave and smile at everyone as we passed. It was very friendly policing.
We spent time going from the rodeo grounds through the camping area. Down to the fire station and then to the park. We would walk around the park and check in the beer garden. Some Goldwings were part of a drill team. The performed first on the main drag through town.
We watched that show from across from the fire station. The next thing was the motorcycle rodeo. When we got there we found our self a spot for parking. There were a lot of big burly motorcycle riders. Men of all sorts of different ages. At a distance I saw a potential ten-six-seven. He was a younger blond and he caught my attention. Unlike everyone else there he stuck out both because of the fact he was ten-six-seven, but also because he didn’t look like the others. He didn’t wear blue jeans and leather chaps. He was free of obvious tattoos. He was like the guy next door. He also did very well at handling his motorcycle. So for the rodeo I had something worth watching, other than the show itself. The rodeo lasted several hours. When it was done we went back to the main park.
We continued to make our rounds and talk with people and interface with people. While at the main park there was one more show of people on crotchrockets were doing stunts. They lasted a while. It was done inside of a small basketball court that was fenced. I guess the helped make those watching the show stay safe.
While sitting there I was surprised with another ten-six-seven. He came over in a group of other guys to watch the stunt show. He was a short haired blond with blue eyes. I wasn’t able to enjoy the scenery as long, but it was just as good as the first one.
The rest of the evening was pretty much the same. We did get called to a motorcycle accident, but it turned out to be minor. We cleared it and went back to the park. I was there until just after nine o’clock. It was pretty quiet most of the day. We didn’t have any problems the whole night. We had lots questions about wearing helmets, alcohol laws, and whatnot.
I went to the SO after clearing Rosalia. I got my tickets from two days ago written up and turned in. Then I went home and got ready for bed.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Ten-Six-Seven, WCSO | Comment (0)Back at Colfax Fire Training
With the reserve academy and working at the fire department as well as Men’s softball, I haven’t been able to make it to a training in Colfax for ages.
I went to Colfax early so I could go look at the Suzuki. I had the money and I was ready to buy it. First I bought a helmet at the Honda dealership. But while in Colfax there were some issues with the bike. It took a while but we worked through them and got the bike going. The guy who was selling me the bike had his son helping us out. He is probably in his early twenties. A rugged ten-six-seven. I didn’t mind that the motorcycle was having problems because it allowed me to spend more time trying to fix it with the ten-six-seven’s help.
When the bike finally started to work I rode it around Colfax for a little bit, but I had to hurry because of fire training. I went back and told the guy that I was interested but I wanted to have more drive time with it when I am dressed for riding the bike. I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt on Airport road doing fifty. I was thinking about what my arms and legs would look like after a crash.
Tonight at Colfax Fire it was the monthly board and business meeting. Those don’t typically last too long. When it was over I went back to Pullman. I was tired when I watched Rescue Me and missed the second half. So I went up stairs to my computer. And I watched it on TV next to my computer while I was doing some web surfing.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Colfax Fire, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Opening of the Ought-Nine Softball Season
This afternoon I spent some time on a telephone conference meeting. We were discussing some of the new code that I will be in charge of and what I am going to need in order to get my computer set up for the dev environment.
Tonight was the opening of softball season. Ryan was coming down from Spokane. I started to make sure my equipment was all together and ready to go. I got my cleats traded out with some new plastic ones. The old ones had rubbed way down. I made sure my uniform was all together and then I started to change into my uniform.
I got the score sheets, the schedule, and drove to the field. I walked down to the field we were first going to play on. I had three new players who were going to meet up with me there.
Our first wasn’t the greatest. We scored two runs per inning as they were. Then one inning we only scored one. But in the final inning we took a nice one run lead. But we were not able to hold on to it and lost in the bottom half of the inning. That did suck as they had their bottom three batters coming to the plate. The first two got out quickly. Plus they only had nine fielders.
The second game was worse. The team was good and crushing the ball and our outfield struggled to make all the outs that we were able to make. We had one guy with no cleats. He did some good slipping and sliding.
We ended up losing both games. Ryan and I went to my place and talked about life in general. We were going to go see the Fast and Furious around ten o’clock.
We headed to the theatre around nine-thirty. We got to our seats and the movie previews started within a minute of us walking in. The movie was good. It was great to see Paul Walker on the screen. He is looking great still.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Softball, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)My Gay Day
I made my way to the Red Dragon casino for a poker tournament that my old softball teams was putting on to raise money for the team. I got to the casino about an hour early. I got signed up for the tournament and then waited around for it to start. I was disappointed that none of the older players from the team were there.
The tournament was set up that you had to qualify to move to the next round. Any money you won didn’t matter, because you would restart at three-thousand chips during the next round. I didn’t qualify the first time through, so they had one rebuy round. I was bleeding my money away. I was getting a lot of Queen-scrub hands. I threw a lot away. I was down to my last six hundred.
The big blind was coming at me. It was four hundred. I put it in. I had a four-eight off-suit. I had to decide if I wanted to throw in my last two-hundred and hope of the best, or wait with the two-hundred for the next round. I decided to throw it in.
The cards were coming and I ended up going head up against someone who had me dominated. The flop didn’t help. But the turn gave me a small glimmer of hope. I had to have a seven hit on the river to win the hand. It had to be a seven. It was a seven! I won enough chips to allow me to survive.
I made it through that round and went onto the next round. The next round I had to make it to the top three on my table to go to the final table. But on the third hand I had a K-J off-suit. I ended up getting trip-kings. But I lost to a guy who had an ace-high straight. My tournament was done.
I stopped at Nordstroms on my way south. I was up in Mountlake for the tournament. I was on my way to downtown Seattle for Nick’s birthday. I got him a gift certificate. Then I called Russell. I was invited over to hang out until the party started. Nick had many of him extended family members over at their apartment.
While there another friend of theirs came over. He was a younger guy who was very skinny. That was the story of the night. All the guys who came over were all Mo’s. They were all skinny as a rail too. I recognized several of the people from their MySpace profiles. I have seen through Nick’s MySpace. A lot of them were ten-six-seven.
I got to Russell’s around four in the afternoon. I was there until after eleven o’clock PM. It was a huge gay fest.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Mo, Poker, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Make Up of the Body
This morning I went to Colfax. I got some breakfast and some donuts for the class. I dropped off my paperwork at the Coroner’s office. I went over to the public service building and helped set up the classroom for the class today.
We are doing criminal procedures. Around noon we broke fro lunch. We went down to Rosauers for hamburgers. Then it was back to class. It was a short day overall. We were done around four o’clock.
I went to the rec center to do some running. While running on the track I looked down on the basketball court. There is always a full-court shirts vs skins basketball game going. Last night, however, was a guy who had nearly perfect abs. It was incredible. What was funny was there was another guy who was standing near him.
Both were white guys with blonde hair. Nearly the same height and both were skinny. But the difference was one guy had great definition in all his back and well as frontal muscles. The other guy was just skinny. I guess being skinny is not enough. I would like to keep working on it and get to the point where my arms and legs have nice muscle definition. I would also like to be much more skinny than I am. I wish I could see how someone like that lives for a week and get an idea of things I can do differently to become better off.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Ten-Six-Seven, WCSO | Comment (0)Bad Turn at Two
This morning I was woken up with an EMS call outside of the city. By the time I was done working the call it was time to go home. I went off to the Rec Center to do some cardio. I have a test coming up on Saturday. With the looks of the way I am going right now I am afraid I will not be able to pass the test.
But as I have said before if it is meant to be it will happen. There is a chance it is not meant to be right now do to any number of reasons. It will not be clear right away, but if I don’t get it I have no doubt at some point in the future it will have been for the best.
I went to my softball game this evening. We played in Moscow. I ended up playing at second base. In the second inning there was a play that I tried to turn. But I didn’t square up my body and I threw very wide of first. About ten feet wide and I almost actually beaned the runner with the ball. Hitting-wise I only had a triple to the fence. I didn’t hit well besides that.
After the game Warren, Jesse, and I went to My Office. We had some chips and drinks. While there the “hottest guy in Pullman”, as Russell would say, walked in the bar. He sat a couple tables from us. Russell and I have been seeing him around Pullman for several years, I would have to think he is a Senior this year. This is the first time this year I have seen him.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Pullman Fire, Softball, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Buying a New Car
I went into the office today, but I decided that I wasn’t able to get anything done so I went to the Dodge dealer near my office. I looked around at the vehicles and took a Chrysler Aspen for a test drive. It is the exact same thing as a Durango just a little higher class.
We then went into play the game. I was in the office for a couple hours playing with numbers and turning down the deals. While there a ten-six-seven was there. He was shorter, but just very hot over all. Nothing really stuck out and in a crowd he would probably be lost, but something about him there made it so I couldn’t take my eyes off of him.
Finally I walked out when we couldn’t come up with a deal, but we were not going to get close to where I wanted to be. I looked at it as adding about twenty-five thousand worth of debt. I am not sure I wanted to do that for what I would be getting.
I called a dealer in Renton and they offered me a better deal on the initial price of the vehicle. But I don’t know what the trade-in would do to change the overall deal. But I am thinking hard over all about it. I am not sure I should do it, but there are several things about it that I like about the new rig.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Seeing Wakeman
Today the plan was to spend time in the office before heading back to Pullman so I could get to work on Saturday morning. I was able to get some stuff done at the office but I didn’t get anything resolved with the bugs. I loaded up my computers and some books and headed out.
I texted Wakeman about meeting up on my way through Ellensburg. He called me up and said he didn’t live there anymore, but as it turned out he would be in town doing some moving. He told me to call when I was close to see if he was still around.
When I was about ten miles out I called and he was still in town. I met up with him at The Tav. He and his friend were having some food and beer. I sat down and we talked about what each other was doing. It was nice to see him. He is the one who pulled me aside one day at the fire department and asked if I was gay. Many people at the FD know and some would spread it around, but very few have ever asked me. He said that he had heard, but wanted to ask me. I really respected that about him from the beginning.
I enjoyed my time working with him and I sad to see him go. For one summer before he left we were running daytime calls all the time. He never cared about the response level of the call he would go on everything like I would.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Mo, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)End of the First Shift Night
I got up with the alarm going off for a fire alarm. It was up in Thompson hall. It was the one where we had to climb and crawl in the attic to get to it. We got it reset. Just as we got back to the station we were sent back there. We checked the detector location. With no fire, we reset again and disabled that detector. As we were getting back to the station we got dispatched to another fire alarm elsewhere.
I got out there about thirty minutes late. I went home and changed to hit the rec center. I did my workout. While I was there a ten-six-seven was working out. It seemed like each place I went he was near by. It was nice scenery to work out to. What was funny is that his body didn’t fit his face so much. He was very muscular, but he face looked very young.
I worked on some of the videos from softball. I am putting together a video for each person. I am placing each clip with a person together and playing music in the background for it. It is taking a while but it is fun to do.
This evening I had HazMat training. I went to the fire station for the training. We were touring campus looking at the places that hold on to hazardous materials. We were seeing the locations and how the rooms are set up in terms of safety equipment and what not.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire, Softball, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)First Twenty-Four Hour Shift
I was at the fire department before eight o’clock in the morning for my first day on shift. I had planned on what to make for dinner. I found that someone else was working an OT shift so he was going to make dinner so I planned on doing lunch for everyone.
We started by getting calls which destroyed the plans for the morning. But we were able to get the supplies for a lunch. We got back and put it together for everyone. I was getting crap from the guys, but it was all in good fun.
Later on we did PL training and that ended with going to the tower to do some driving, but I was sent to Lewiston for a transfer. I worked with one of the newer medics. He is a ten-six-seven and a very nice guy. We talked about his new house in Uniontown and about the fire department on the way home.
When I got back we found the others were out dealing with some problems with the rigs that were under some mechanical problems. We were told to start eating because the others would take a while to get back.
We had some dinner and waited for the others to get back. Once they ate we did the dishes. I planned on going to bed around midnight. That is about when I did get to bed. The reserved got back from doing their training. I hung out with them as they were working on refilling air bottles. One of the newest reserves was there. He is a poster boy for ten-six-seven’s. He is screaming hot, if you will.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Pullman Fire, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)Tournament to Earn a National ASA Spot
The softball team is playing in a tournament to earn a spot to play in the Nationals in Seattle this year. We need to be one of the top three teams to earn a spot. But in the first game we came out flat after the first inning. We couldn’t score runs and lost the first game. That is not where we wanted to be in the whole thing.
After the game we went to get some breakfast. I had already eaten so I just went for the ride. We got back to the field and hung out for a while. Our second game I pitched. I struggled for a couple batters then I was did really well from there on out. It was a close game, but we beat the team and went on to play another team later on. It was a weak team and we easily beat them.
While at the field one of the guys from another team that I met recently was at the fields. He is ten-six-seven. While in Bovile for the softball tournament there I saw him there shirtless. He is well built and had a nice chest. It was nice to see him again.
After the game we went to dinner in Moscow and then over to Pullman to hang out at the Sports Page. I played a couple games of pool and talked with the others who were there. We hung out there until around ten o’clock in the evening. I gave Warren a ride home before going home myself.
Filed under Uncategorized | Tags: Friends, Softball, Ten-Six-Seven | Comment (0)