Another Fatal Car Accident

December 22nd, 2006

This morning started out as one where I did not have to work, but I decided I would get a couple bug fixed. Then I saw that something I checked in was causing some problems with one app. So I started to fix that when I was listening to the radio traffic out of Colfax.

They were going on a car accident were a truck rolled. Upon the ambulance’s arrival I heard them put Paul-Sixty-Four on stand by. As it turned out they needed the coroner. I was given a call by Pete. So I headed out to the scene. It was out on highway Twenty-Six.

I got on scene of a truck that had rolled pinning the victim. I did my photos and investigation. Following that I went to the funeral home to complete the investigation. I also went to the coroners office to do my paperwork and print the photos. Pete showed up there and we went over the case and the photos.

He agreed with my assessments and with my conclusions. I felt good that I had gotten it correct. I got the report completed and printed out. Yet another fatal car accident in Whitman County.