Boat Patrol Training

December 26th, 2006

This morning we started out with boat training. We were working on the Jason’s Cradle and other items that we may need to use. Dearth, as well as a couple of the other new guys, a two cops, and two new Mercer Island firefighters were all there. The firefighters were ten-six-sevens. One of them had a brother at WSU. He had come over here for the Apple Cup.

The equipment was pretty cool. The Jason’s Cradle was really neat in its operation. It is used to get people out of the water, and you don’t have to get into the water to get them out. It doesn’t matter if they are conscious or not.

We were on the water for about three hours doing the training. When it was done I went back to the office. I was there getting the bugs fixed and completed. I was able to get one done that had been causing me troubles for a while. But when I got it fixed I was thinking about how easy it was. I just had to get on the right track.