All the Marbles
I went to my Polygraph appointment this afternoon. I was very nervous about doing so. I knew that I would now be telling the whole truth and KNOW that it is the truth, but being that it was so new, I did not BELIEVE it was the truth.
I went to his office which was way up North in Seattle. I sat in the office and started to fill out my first form. Then we went into a room and he started with questioning me about a ton of things, including drugs, misc crimes, etc. When it was all said and done I told him that I feel like I live a good life until I do something like that.
One thing he asked me was if there was anything I was worried about in the test. I told him briefly about the whole Michelle thing. We went into the exam room. He hooked me to the instrument and gave me some final instructions and then started with the questions. I was trying to keep a breathing rate that was constant and clam. But when he asked me the question about sex I was not able to keep the rhythm that I had going. After the first set of questions he said he was going to ask me the questions again this time in a different order. Then he asked me one about stealing as well as the sex one. He had not asked me all the questions then he deflated my BP cuff and that was it.
I was sort of confused and then he asked me what I was thinking about when I answered the question. I told him that I had answered everything honestly. He said that he was not asking that, he said “what were you THINKING about?” I drew a blank. Then he asked me about another question and I told him that I was worried about that question just as I told him in the pre-test interview.
He wished me luck and I left. I was worried about it all the way back to work. I went over what I was thinking when the theft question was asked. Finally I realized that the beginning of the question is worded the same as the sex one and that is what caused me to answer it weirdly.
I am very nervous about how this will all end up. The bad thing about me being nervous is that I was honest and truthful, yet I believe that I did not come across that way in the test.
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