My First Poker Party

December 9th, 2006

I was excited by the fact that this evening would be my first poker party at my new house. I had the people who helped me move come over for the poker game. But before the party I had to get my house all set up and ready. The morning, however, started off with a phone call from my mom. She told me Gary’s mom, Natalie, died. I found the obituary online and read about it. I don’t know much about what happened at this time.

When I went out shopping for stuff for my poker party, I got a card for Tom. I am going to send it to him.

I got my house cleaned up and set out all sorts of things for people including my hard-A collection. I got some beer and pop at the store as well.

Peter came over early and we watched Four Brothers on DVD. Shortly after that was over Mike showed up and we got the computer set up for the poker party. John, Andrew, Russell, as well as Peter, Mike, and I were here for some cards. We started at around six-twenty in the evening. I got wiped out early by Russell on an all-in bet. I had to rebuy. The game carried on. My plan was to have a break at seven-forty-five for pizza. I had ordered it earlier in the day.

But they showed up thirty minutes early. So we took our break early and had pizza. We knocked out all the pizza’s before getting back to cards. After the fourth round we had the final re-buys and add-ons. Then it was time to knock people out. We had already knocked out Andrew. He chose not to rebuy. Then we knocked out Russell, John, and Peter. Finally it was just Mike and I playing heads up, but I was not getting anything at all and he had about ten-times my stack. I slowly lost my money mainly to blinds.

Then we broke out the change and started to play a nickel-dime-quarter poker game. It was dealers choice. Peter, Mike, John, and I played until one in the morning. When we completed our final game Peter, John, and I hung out for a few minutes talking and I got my kitchen and dining room cleaned up and everything put away so I did not have to do it in the morning.