Friday the Thirteenth

October 13th, 2006

Today was a day that one would expect things to go strange, but it was a normal day. I worked at the jail until four in the afternoon. I took it off from NU. I had been called to see if I could work it earlier in the week. I was able to get the day off so I went to the jail.

I booked one person and spent a lot of time in control. I did my normal thing. It was a good day working. We also had the documentary “Into the Fire” tonight. We watched that at the fire station in Colfax. We had some pizza and pop.

After watching the show with a couple people there I went to Zeppoz. JT and Suz are in town. We hung out with the others from the group. JT and I played some table games for a while. I won about twenty bucks from Russell in about ten minutes. I also won nineteen more that I gave to Russell as a tip.