Redefining the Look of the Calendar
On top of getting a couple bugs settled with my work. As well as getting to the real estate office to tell the realtor what I would like included on the statement back to the homeowners based on what I saw in the home inspection report. I was on call for the day. We had an interesting night where for the first half of the shift we got a call every two hours. Our final call come in around one-thirty in the morning.
While I was sitting around the fire station I was speaking with Keith about the Duty Calendar and I was listening to what I was saying. I realized that I need to start the thing over from scratch… again… and build it right. While sitting at the station I was brainstorming ideas for what it should do and look like. I am trying to get all the functionality thought out. Then I can take these ideas and see if I can do them and how to do them. I will have a way of checking to see what I am building has an over all plan and a pathway for getting there.
I am going to attempt to build this and make it robust, usable, and friendly.
I also got to put in my first nasal airway tonight. I have waited a long time and this evening when I was on a call we were going to put on in. And I said that I had never done one and I would like to do it. I got my chance. It was a lot different that in training.
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