Gary’s Birthday

September 27th, 2006

Today is Gary’s thirty-third birthday. We have been friends since just before we turned seven. We are not as close as we once were because of the distance between us and the fact he has a family and what not. But he is my oldest friend. It is pretty amazing that we have lived so much of our life knowing each other and sharing in so many memories. My turn to turn another year older is just around the corner.

Just when I was thinking that all the cases I could get would be done, I got a call from Pete asking if I could take a case in LaCrosse. So at around six-thirty I was off to LaCrosse to do another investigation. I am getting pretty good now that I am getting so much experience doing them. This one was a natural death with no real issue to resolve except for trying to determine time of death due to the fact that it was clear the deceased had been there more than just a couple hours.