Busy from Start to End

October 1st, 2006

The start of the day was a phone call at five-thirty in the morning. I knew it was Whitcom calling me out on a case. Turns out there was yet another fatal car accident, this time however, it was not on SR One-Ninety-Five. This one was near St. John. I went to the scene and did my investigation. It was a single occupant who had crashed and was throw from the car. It does not appear a seatbelt was used and that aided the person with being thrown from the car. There is a high likelihood that had the person been wearing a seatbelt he would not have died. My message is to wear a seatbelt.

Between being on scene and photographing the scene and then going to the funeral home and doing an exam there, I was not done until nearly nine-thirty. Then I had to zoom to Pullman for Reserve Testing. I was helping with the physical agility test. That took a couple hours between running everyone through it as well as set up and break down.

Following the testing I went to the station and watched some TV and waited around for six o’clock to roll around. We had rig checks and map tests tonight. One of the guys did not study so he planned on memorizing the numbers and then writing them on the answer key. So I made a new answer sheet and changed the order of the roads. He of course did not pass that. I was disappointed that he wanted to do such a thing.

After that was done we started to do the rig checks. In the middle of the rig checks we got toned out to a call outside of town. We were more than half way there and a second call came out in town. They had been discussing canceling us, so we asked if they would like us to go to the other one. They did so we turned around and went to the one in town. After transporting to the hospital we went back and worked on the rig checks some more. Because of all the things that we had to check it was taking a long time.

We also had an out-of-date inventory on the Engine. So I had the guys go through and write up a new inventory form. That took some time to do, but it would make our checks go better next week.