House Hunting

September 10th, 2006

The alarm clock seemed to go off early this morning, because it was. It was a little before six in the morning when it was buzzing. I got up and started my day by getting ready to work at the fairgrounds. I stopped at Rosauers for breakfast.

I got out to the fairgrounds. I was working with Jeff and Max. We did not have keys to get inside so we sat outside for about fifteen minutes until a fair worker came by. We asked him if he had a key for the building. He did and got us inside. Max had donuts. We had some of those and sat around talking. We were there two hours before the gates even opened so there was nothing going on at all.

Closer to nine in the morning we went outside and Rob was at the Sheriff’s Office command post vehicle which is always next to our first aid room. We were talking about working loss prevention and having a donut when a ten-six-seven military guy from across the path from us asked for a donut.

Ron was going to give a Sunday sermon at the fairgrounds. I went to that and listened in. It was about fighting the terrorists and what the Bible says about standing up for what is right and fighting wars.

I was scheduled to be there until noon. I left and went to Pullman because I had to go house viewing at one in the afternoon with a real estate agent, Pam, from Associated Brokers. We were going to view about nine houses on the day. We started a little after one in the afternoon. We went to house after house. Some of them were nice, and other ones were not very good.

The one I was hoping would be nice had a bar in the basement, but it had some issues including needing work on the paint, the deck, the yard, and it had no garage. Another one that was really nice was on Janet street. But it was father than I wanted to be from the fire station. It seems to be in a nice neighborhood, but they wanted a lot of money for it. I went and looked at Charlie Drake’s old house as well. It is a large house and was very odd. It only had a wood fireplace as its heat source. It is owned by WSU. I assume Charlie left it to them when he died. Inside it seemed to have no square corners. All the walls were at different angles. It is like someone tried to do something different with the house.

When the time was done I found that there was no house on my list that would fit exactly what I was looking for. There were some houses that were close, but I decided that I need to be strong and hold on to my determination that I will not buy the house unless it is just right. I was told of one house that is two doors way from the fire station. It is not on the market yet, but when it is the real estate agent is going to get me into it. That would be a great place to live because it also has half an acre and lots of room to park.

When I was done house hunting I went to my office and wrote up some stuff on the houses. Russell and Nick came down to the office. I worked on his hard drive for the next few hours. We started a process of getting the hard drive scanned by Windows XP. There were a lot of orphaned files it was working on fixing. Thousands upon thousands of them. I had to leave before it was even done.

I had my IM Softball team playing tonight. I was worried about Duane and Seiler not showing up so I had picked up Nick from the Tax Dodgers to play with the team. It was a good thing because Duane and Seiler did not show up. We played the first game with only nine guys and lost by two runs. We could have won that game, but we did not. The second game Michael B had to leave and we only had eight guys. We fought hard on that one, and actually won it in the bottom of the last inning. The other team had taken a lead in the top half of the inning, but we buckled down and went out there determined to win it.

After the game Ryan and I went to Cougar Country to have some dinner. I was not feeling very hungry, so I just had a small meal and talked with Ryan for a while. He came down from Spokane to play. I had a horrible day at the plate today, I got one hit, which was a triple and three sac flies. That is already a team record as the most before this was one sac fly for the whole season, I had two in one game, and one in the second game.

After the time with Ryan I went to my office and working on copying data from Russells hard drive to my computer so I could burn his data and try to save it from destruction.