Meeting with a Lawyer
I have never had to meet with a lawyer for the fire department in the past. This is my first time in a decade. We are being questioned for something involving the police. We are just witnesses. The problem it was a year ago and I don’t remember the incident very well, so I was careful only to say things that I remember happening for sure. I didn’t want to say anything I wasn’t sure about. But that being the case there wasn’t much I really remembered about the whole thing. I did the best I could.
When that meeting was done I went to Keegan’s house and hung out until two in the morning. We watched a couple episodes of Being Human. Then we chatted about unemployment as well as living in Pullman.
I got home and stayed up until around four in the morning getting some stuff done on the computer. I have been working hard to getting my computer going and set up just the way I like it. So far I found I am not a fan of this keyboard because of the way it is set up and the feel of the buttons. My scanner doesn’t work either. I would like to get that taken care of as well.
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