Hitting the Movies with Dave

September 1st, 2006

I have been cruising along at work. I am excited for tomorrow is the Cougar season opener against Auburn. I hung out at the office for some time getting some bugs fixed and talking to Barb some more about home loans. With the second house off the market now I am left to look at other options which could include building a house or maybe buying a duplex and renting out half of it.

Dave and I decided to see Wicker Man. It looked like it could be a good movie. I went home to have dinner before getting ready for the movie. I was showing my mom some of the houses online. I set up my computer and I was going to use the GPS navigation on my Streets and Trips to see if I could figure out how to use it.

It worked pretty well. It would give you warning about turns and it would update your progress. But I was bummed out that it did not recalculate your trip if you went a different way than the directions showed.

The movie was one that I was really waiting for it to get scary and see where it was going. The only surprise was the ending… Spoiler here… When Nicholas Cages’ character was captured by the people. They did not show him getting his legs broken, but it made it sound like that is what was happening.

Then they put him in the top of this really big wicker man. It was going to be set of fire as an offering to the gods. I was waiting for his backup to get there and save him in the nick of time. But as the fire got close to him and then started burning him I realized that he actually died in the movie. Not what was expected there.

After the movie Dave and I sat in my truck and talked about the houses I looked at. He suggested that the price of one duplex that was under two-hundred-thousand looked pretty good and included a two car garage.

I was also showing him the GPS stuff. That is when I found a way to have it recalculate on the fly. You have to press a button, it does not do it automatically. I thought that was really cool. Now I am happy with the GPS and Streets and Trips I got.