Hurt my back
Because the softball tournament was cancelled for me I decided that I would get more moving done. I also called Patti and asked to take Sunday from her so I could do some boating on a weekend to come. There was more stuff to pack and start to move. It was slow going. I only had the basement to do, but I really hated to start on it. I hate moving and the stuff in the basement is full of cob webs as well as the fact there has been a presence of mice down there. I am worried about hantavirus in the droppings, so I am looking up information about it and trying to be careful about what I do down there so it makes it real slow going.
I got some stuff done, but I also started hurting more and more as the day went on. Steve, the guy buying my house wanted me to show him around the property. I went up on my quad and he took his motorcycle up there. We drove around and looked at everything.
When we were done I was really hurting. I went to the fire station. Around seven in the afternoon I got a call from Patti about a case to do. So I called the hospital in Pullman and found out what happened. It turned out someone died of a AAA. Because of that I knew I should investigate to make sure there wasn’t a medical misadventure as Pete calls them. There was a AAA in the past where the doctor did not do what he should have in diagnosing it.
I went to the hospital. But I was hardly able to stand and walk. I walked hunched over into the hospital. The chaplain was there and carried a bag for me. I did my investigation. Craig from Kimballs showed up and we removed the body. I went back to the funeral home and did more of an investigate. Pete decided and autopsy was in order.
I called the family and talked to them and went to my office to start on my paperwork. I got it all done and went to the coroners office to get it all printed off for Pete.
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