My Day on Jury Duty
I started the day in Colfax for jury duty. I have waited since I was eighteen get get called in. I was sitting in a courtroom full of people. I knew a couple people there. As the morning went on a few people were excused. I made it through the first round of cuts. But it was becoming pretty clear I would probably not be chosen. It was a civil suit against Fred Russell. With working for Pullman Fire and the coroners office I knew they would think I would be biased. In the end I was not selected. But I did have a chance to let them know that I am a philosophy major. That I can be fair and listen to arguments. That I don’t let my emotions get in the way of making logical arguments. I was not selected.
I went to the SO and got some sunglasses orders from the guys there then I went to Colfax fire for a while and talked to Jenny for about a half hour. I went to work for the remainder of the day.
The reserves had their first RIT training in the CUB today. We get access to the top three floors to do what we want. We are breaching the walls and crawling through them. We are getting a chance to do stuff we don’t always get to do. It was weird being in the CUB. I did not recognize the building very much. There were a lot of things already removed. On the main floor you could see from the CUB Aud all the way to where the little store was on the west side of the building. It looked like a parking garage on the main floor. The radio station was torn down to the floor. There was wood on the floor and the walls were bare. I did find the door that was on the studio on the fourth floor in one of the rooms up there.
We mainly worked on the third floor. We broke through the walls. I had to take my pack off to go through the wall on my stomach, but if I was able to stand I could get through the wall. Keeping in mind we only had sixteen inches of space to get through. It was really hot in the CUB, plus wearing the bunkers did not help.
The next event was to follow a hose to get your way out. At first we were told to go to the people at the end of the hose. We did that just fine, but then they said we went the wrong way. So we had to back track and get to the other end of the hose. We followed it through doors, down hallways and through a wall. But we were able to get to the end of the hose finally. It too forever it seemed like.
We had some time to rest before we had to do a drill where we got tangled up in wires. First they wold get us wrapped up in the pack and we would have to undo it. Then we had to make our way through a room full of wires. I made it through pretty well. But by this time my knees were rubbed raw.
We left and I was so sweaty. It was pretty nasty. Keith and I went to Cougar Country for dinner. While there I heard about a coroners case. I talked to Patti and I was going to go with her. I took a shower and met her at my office. We drove to Colton and spent about an hour on the scene doing our investigation. It was a natural death. I did not get to bed until after two in the morning.
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