Finishing my Pump Time

July 14th, 2006

I started the mid-afternoon off by helping Keith move from Orton to his new apartment. We loaded a bunch of stuff in his rig and drove to his apartment. While we were moving the stuff upstairs we were getting close to being on duty. I left to get my stuff on then we went to the Deuce.

I contacted Dearth about finishing my pump time on the engine so I can take my test to be an engineer. However, before we made it to the tower we got a call. It only took about an hour then we went to the tower. We went with the new guys to pull lines and spray water around. We were there for about an hour.

Following our time at the tower Keith and I went to get something to eat from Pizza Hut. We were planning on playing some card this evening when we were done working. We went to his apartment where some of his friends showed up. We had the pizza then Keith and I got called out on another call. It was a fire alarm. It was at the Nez Perce apartments, the same building that had a fire a few weeks ago.

After that call was complete Keith and I went to play some cards at Mike’s place. We were there until a little after two in the morning when we got a call for a small box on fire. I left up about ten bucks. Keith had won a quarter.

We did not roll on the small box on fire. James got on the radio and said the fire was stomped out and that all units were clear.