Phil’s Retirement

July 8th, 2006

I started the day by working on the laptop some more and not getting anything completed on it. It is getting BSOD’s all the time when trying to boot into Windows XP or when trying to reinstall Windows XP. However I can install older Windows on there just fine. I am not sure of the problem. I would like to write zeros to the drive, but the stuff I have to do it consists of bootable floppies and she does not have a floppy on the laptop. Finally I ran out of things to do and I called to let her know that I failed with the equipment I have to do it.

I went to the senior center at city hall for Phil’s retirement for the fire department. He has been with us since nineteen-seventy. Some former firefighters showed up to bit Phil farewell. I took a bunch of photos and I got some of them ready for the website. He got a proclamation from Mayor Johnson declaring Phil Anderson Day in Pullman.

I was meeting up with a different Phil to help him with his wireless network in his house. I got it fixed and working. He and his wife are very happy to have it going. Then Phil and I went to the playfields for some batting practice and homerun derby. I did not hit any out. Eric however during the derby got eleven out of fifteen out. He is a hitting machine.

Just as I was done with that I played some poker over at Mike’s. We were having the tournament he wanted to do. It lasted nearly six hours and we started after eight o’clock pm. I ended up leaving in forth place. I went to get some pizza’s from Pizza Hut. I brought them back and we ate pizza and played cards. When the tournament was done we played a cash game. We were there for many more hours. Andy and I were the last ones playing. I kept planning on stopping, but I just kept going.

It was after five in the morning when we got done. I went to Colfax and got my boat ready to go. I went back to Pullman and finally got to bed around eight in the morning. We are going to meet at eleven in the morning to go boating.