Playing and Winning at Poker

July 6th, 2006

Spending the day working is never much fun, but today was not too bad. I got an issue resolved with the reports. I really hate the reporting system we built however long ago. It seems overly complicated for what it does. It took me a while to figure it out and get it going. But I did finally manage to figure something out and got it checked in.

I was thinking about making my way to Colfax tonight, but ended up not going. I got the phone call from Mike about cards. It would start at eight in the evening. I made my way over there and picked a chair. I was the first one to show up.

I won a few hands early one. I was up a fair amount of money when Mike called an all-in bet. He had more than seventeen bucks. The pot was reasonable sized as well. I thought about it for a tiny bit. I had a pair of kings (because of the board) and I was one card from the second nut flush. I called the all-in. Mike showed pocket queens. I was in the lead, and ended up winning the hand on the kings.

I ended the night up about thirty-five bucks. We stopped playing a little after midnight. I went to the fire station to make sure I could copy my pictures to the O-drive. That worked. I then headed home to go to bed.