The New Recruits

July 1st, 2006

Ron called me this morning and invited me to come to his place for poker and a BBQ. It was to start at one pm. Ryan had also come to town. I needed to spray some weeds around the house. I got my weedsprayer and the mixture mixed up. I sprayed all the weeds in the area of the driveway and the gravel areas. I got cleaned up and headed to Pullman. Ryan and I met up for a little bit. He was there to remember Ryley who died one year ago today.

I went to Ron and Heathers. We watched TV and started to play some cards. The first tournament we did was a free on. We all got some chicks and played. I ended up third place. Food was nearly done when we were done with that tournament. I ate, but it was getting near six o’clock and I had to get ready to be on call.

Today is the first day our new recruits got to respond. But they are not able to go into IDLH environments as of now. I met up with them all at six o’clock pm at the Deuce to go over rig checks and a shift orientation. We started on rescue and then went to the engine. Just after we started on the engine we got toned out to a call where a guy had an accident with a circular saw. Chuck showed up and he asked who wanted to go with us. Keith was the first to raise he hand. We went code-three to Palouse.

When we entered Palouse Scott from Colfax Fire was there. He jumped up and yelled “GO TWINKIE”. I waived at him. Chuck asked who that was, and I told him it was Scott from Colfax fire. The patient was package and I returned to Pullman in Rescue. I stopped for a minute and chatted with Scott and David.

I picked up Chuck and Keith from the hospital. We made up the cot and got some gas for Rescue. After getting back to the Deuce we finished up the rig check of engine. Chuck went over all the compartments with them and talked about the equipment. It was at that time that we were supposed to be out doing some drive time and checking the city for fireworks. We were supposed to do that until ten o’clock pm. It was just about nine-forty when we got toned out to a structure fire. It turned out to be a real one. It was rather small as it was discovered early.

We had a good turn out of people. Chuck and I got our packs on and went to the scene of the fire. It was out, but I got to put some water on the hot spots. We set up the generator and lights for Dragoo for his investigation.

We got Rescue back in service and called it a night for training. I got with Ryan finally. I got some dinner and went to my office. He watched a bunch of Homestarrunner cartoons as I got the release about the fire posted online.

I took him to my apartment and he hung out for a few minute before he had to go back to Spokane. I wanted to get to bed early tonight because I am golfing tomorrow, but it turned out that Ryan was here until after two in the morning.