June 29th, 2006

I didn’t get up until noon today. I called VanNess and let him know I would not be able to get to his house until Friday to work on his computer. Then I got into work and spent the next few hours banging away at one of my bugs. I had a meeting with George and Darnell at SCS about the alumni association. This is fall out from Tory’s funeral where we decided to get something like this set up.

I got to the IT building around four in the afternoon. We talked for about an hour about the ideas and did some minor brainstorming about this project. We are thinking about a portal where messages, news, events, photos, and whatnot can be posted.

After the meeting was done Darnell and I chatted about programming. Then he took me to his office and showed me SCS Tulz. It is quite the application. It is really impressive all the things it can do. They are working on a Tulz Lite program and selling it to other departments for part time workers to use to track hours. SCS may actually get into the black ink.

After we were done I got some dinner from Cougar Country and went to the office to finish the bug I had been working on all day. I was able to finish it off and get it checked in around eleven o’clock at night. I also got some more work done on the fire prevention website.