Getting closer to being an Engineer

June 24th, 2006

Today is the final day of the release for new code. I spent some of the day figuring out problems with the code. One problem is a bugger because each time you do one thing to fix it, something else seems to break.

But finally I got the problems solved and I think life is good. Tonight Chuck is out of town so Chapman and I are on. I asked Chapman if he would be willing to do my final engine drive with me. He said he would. It takes about an hour and a half to do the whole thing, but we got it done.

I was also invited to come to engineer training tomorrow with Reed and Chapman. I am going to do that.

I was at my office when we got toned out to a call in town. Chapman and Cy rode in to the hospital. Cy was doing his ride along time for being a recruit. It was his first call ever. I had him do the radio traffic.

Following that call I was down at the station. I was going to do some more stuff in my engineer’s packet. I had already finished doing the photo board this morning and got it put up. I also finished my packet by doing the engine equipment location.

Around midnight we got a call to Palouse. I looked up the location on the map. I ended up driving on that one. When we got to the house, it was a PUHA situation. The ambulance with code-three to the hospital. I took a wrong turn and went to highway ninety-five in Latah County. So it took me extra long to get back to the hospital.

I got Chapman and we went to the gas pumps to fill Rescue. On our way out of the gas pumps we got called to Bishop Place. We went code there and transported that person to the hospital. As we were done for the night, it was nearing three-thirty in the morning. You could see the light just barely starting to fill the horizon.