Wakeman’s Goodbye

June 16th, 2006

Starting off the day I thought I would have to go to Wakeman’s going away party being on call meaning no beer. But I found out hours before the event that I could go and have some fun with them.

I went to the station around five in the evening to see when people were going to go to the bar. Wakeman was having some dinner and we were talking. I was getting hungry so I went to My Office and got some lunch and played some trivia.

The others started to show up around eight o’clock. We had a good turn out of people there. I had my camera and took photos of everyone with Wakeman at one point or another through out the night.

Chris, Wakeman, and Paul Enjoying Beer

Meow and Wakeman Enjoying Beer

Wakeman and Chris Being Tough

Wakeman Having One of his Many Shots

We were there until a little after midnight. I went home and had some pop tarts before going to sleep.