Sleep Study Call Back

May 30th, 2006

I got woken up around eight-thirty in the morning. All my leads were taken off and I was able to take a shower. There is a gel-like substance they put into your hair to make the leads stay in. The guy told me the hottest water I can tolerate is helpful in melting it away. I got all cleaned up and went into work.

If I indeed had apnea I would get called back for another sleep study and I would get fitted for a CPAP machine. Sure enough I could the call back. I am disappointed that I have sleep apnea, but I am happy it is going to get fixed. I really hope that being tired a lot will be a thing of the past. I am also happy the snoring will go away. It was very embarrassing to have around other people.

I finished out the day at work, working into the early evening to get stuff done. Because it was getting late I told Bill I would not be home for dinner. I would just get something on the way to the sleep study.

I got to Issaquah at the Swedish Campus. I checked in and watched some TV as I was getting set up with the leads. The guy doing my setup also has apnea. He was telling me about his experience, his machine and whatnot. It was nice to get a chance to talk to him.

After some time I was put on the CPAP and worked on breathing with it for a while before going to bed. Those beds are firm and it hurts my back to sleep on my back for a long time on those beds, but I was told to stay on my back and much as humanly possible.

The lights went out and I woke up a few times through out the night due to the pain from laying on my back. But like a trooper I stayed on my back. I later found out that he had be fixed early in the night and I could have gone to my sides.