Movie Night with Ryno

May 12th, 2006

I was debating on going out at all today when I realized I had a meeting with George for the website. So away I went to Pullman. Because I was in town I went to work. It was a good day at work. I struggled through some bugs and got them checked in just before our weekly dev meeting. I am glad I did not skip today like I thought I was going to do.

Ryan called me up to see if I was interested in going to see a movie with him. We went to see Poseidon. I had never seen the original so I did not know what to expect. It was pretty good. Some of the graphics were very obvious fake. Sometimes I wish they would do less computer generated stuff. It is getting to the point where a lot of things seem fake in movies right now. But at the same time we are just getting going with a lot of this technology so it will take some time to get really good.

After the movie I went to the fire station. Shane got some ice cream for everyone from having his first code-call on Wednesday. I am taking the day off because of my back but I hung out down there for about an hour.

Ryan and I went to get some dinner at Taco Time then we rented the movie Cry_Wolf. It was supposed to be a horror movie, one of those teen slasher movies. It turned out the only people who died were the girl at the beginning, which had nothing to do with the “murders” that were taking place, and the teacher at the end.