House is in the House

March 28th, 2006

I was planning on a trip to Fry’s today to pick up a new thumb drive. The one I have is having some troubles. But I also want to get a video camera. I am thinking about one with night vision. So I was looking those up online. Jon was telling me that the MiniDV are old technology and there is some really cool ones coming out. But they are really new and really spendy. So I am not sure what I am going to do about that now.

Instead of going to Fry’s I decided to get home in time to watch House. It is finally back on the air. Of all the TV shows on, that is one I really like to watch. QaF has been getting shown on ShowToo. I decided to watch that at eleven o’clock. It is sort of fun to watch it again. I remember in the first run I always made sure to see it. But now I remember most of the things so it is not quite the same. It still has it moments.