Sollen is off the ground

March 15th, 2006

I got up and cooked myself breakfast. My mom is heading back to Seattle today. I got a chance to say goodbye on my way out the door. I really started to pump out the Sollen stuff. I am making a lot of head way. These are the times I like. I am creating rather than trying to fix what is broken. What is also nice is I have templates for things already done. This is the kind of stuff multitasking is made for. You are trying to remember everything as you are branching out in a couple different directions. It is like for everyone one thing you do, you have to remember to do two more. Then those two you have to remember four things. Then you go down one path until you reach the end. Then you hope you remember where to find the start of the next path.

It is fun stuff. I got a lot of stored procs done as well as a lot of new code done. I found a good breaking point and hit lunch. I went to Dairy Queen. Then I came back and worked on it some more.

I was on call for the fire department tonight so I had to leave for a while and do maintenance. I did not want to leave because I was trying to figure out how to get my new application to work the way I wanted it to.

As I was working through out the day I was also getting side tracked with other things. I updated the Thunder and Pullman Fire websites while I was at it today.

After maintenance I got some dinner and worked on the computer some more. I checked in a ton of my files.

We got a call right about ten o’clock. It took more than an hour for that. When I got back I decided to play some poker. I wanted to not do anything work related for a while. I got enough done today.

I also played some online poker. I keep getting close, but then I fizzle out. I gotta figure out how to finish strong. I have a good chance of doing well at this and making a good supplemental income. But I gotta learn to finish.

Playing poker and catching on my blog entries was the store of the late evening. I have been having a hard time logging in lately, but I closed that window and started a new one and the problem was solved. I don’t know what the problem with the other window was, but once I used this new one all was well.

I just called on a KJs. I hope something comes of it. Q-5-9 hit the board. I have one of the cards that match my suit, hearts. I call 15 bucks but end up folding to the four-hundred dollar raise.