I am pre-approved!

March 10th, 2006

On my way into work today I was on four-oh-five talking to BECU about the home loan I applied for last week. I am interested in buying a house I looked at a few years ago that went back on the market. I was told I was approved for the loan. And that is without selling my current house! I could rent out my other house and keep both, but I don’t think I will be able to afford that for ever. I think what I will do is stage the house and sell it as soon as I can.

I got to work and did my work from Bellevue today. I spent a lot of the morning getting caught up from being away from the Internet for the last few days. A few of us went to Q-Doba for lunch and brought back lunch for everyone else. I got some stuff done before our Dev meeting. The meeting was short. I am going to be working on bugs until I am handing the Sollen stuff to start to work on the new interface.

I went back to my desk and worked on getting some sheets set up for taking stats at the game for the Thunder tomorrow. That took me longer than I had hoped and I did not leave until nearly four. I wanted to be out of there around two. Erik was covering for me until I got to town.

I drove over and there was a lot of traffic. It was because Spring Break started at WSU today. There were a lot of cops pulling people over. I did not do anything to get myself pulled over. I finally got into Pullman about eight-thirty to take over being on duty.

The night was quiet both on the police scanner and the fire pager. I spent most of the evening getting more stuff caught up online. It is amazing how far behind the times I get being away from the net for four days.