Touring Adams Mall

March 1st, 2006

Today’s training involved going to Adams Mall and learning where the reset switch is for the smoke detector. It is up on the roof. So if we get called there we have to ladder the building to reset it. After laddering the roof and everyone going up to see the reset points we went inside the building to walk through it.

We saw where the alarm panel is and went through the two bars. While we were down stairs we got toned out to a structure fire at Rogers hall that had already been put out. We went with two Engines, the Quint, Rescue, and Ambulance. Pretty much everyone who was on the tour. Most units were getting put back into service quickly.

I was on Rescue and we were asked to go to the floor where the fire was with the TIC and the camera to get pictures. I took all the photos. We left the scene and I went to station one to get the photos downloaded to the computer at the station.