Grandma’s Funeral

February 21st, 2006

We sat near our terminal for about an hour and watched the light come up. Then we went down this really long terminal to get some breakfast from a McDonald’s. It was good to get some food.

We went back to our terminal area and were told there was a medical emergency on the plane. So an ambulance and fire engine were waiting by the gate. The took a guy who obviously had some sort of heart condition happening.

That was our plane so once everyone was off we got on and started the short ninety minute flight from St. Paul, MN to Minot. Shelia and Amanda were also on our plane. So when we got to Minot Tom was there waiting to pick us up.

We went to Tom’s house. We were both sort of tired. Mom was there. We took Tom’s car to get a brunch at the truck stop. Amanda, Mom, Gaylen, Jon, and I went to it.

After brunch we went back to Tom’s. We sort of sat around a little bit, then started to get ready. I got my suit on and Jon got his on. We drove to the nursing home that my Grandma was last living in. They have a chapel there and that is where the funeral was being held. When I got there I saw a bunch of relatives that I have not seen in several years.

I spent time saying hello and moving around talking to people. I found out my Grandma Anderson was there. So I went to talk to her for a while. Then they said it was time to start. I sat up front with the families.

After the funeral was over a handful of us went to the graveyard for that portion of it. She was buried next to her husband and daughter who died as a child. We walked her casket to the gravesite. There was a graveside memorial as well. It was short.

We drove back to Tom’s house and I got out of my suit and helped Tom set up for the after-party. People started to show up and we were using his garage. He has a heater in it so it was nice and warm. All the smoking was done in the garage and the people in the house were able to stay smoke free. As it turned out everyone wanted to be in the garage because that is where everyone else was.

Jon teaching people to play 456

Lee, Doug, and Steve

Jon spent some time teaching people how to play Four-Five-Six. We played that for a lot of the evening as well as eating pizza. We had gotten a lot of pizza from Papa Murphy’s. We also had to make an alcohol run as we were getting short of it.

As the night wore on we were playing for higher and higher stakes in Four-Five-Six. Everyone was always rooting for me to lose.

I went to a store to get some cough medicine and I met up with Derek from G-Shack. He is from Minot. We talked for a while. He was a nice guy.

I stayed up until after midnight with everyone else before finally getting so tired I just had to get to sleep. I had been up for more than thirty-six hours with only my thirty minute nap on the plane.