Catching the Red-Eye

February 20th, 2006

I let myself sleep in on this holiday from work. I wanted to be as rested as possible. It was about noon when I did get up. I went down stairs and really didn’t do anything at all. Mainly watched TV and got on my computer and posted on the Shack.

But around two I decided to make a bank run and get money for my plane ticket. I stopped by the closest bank and got as much money as I could from the ATMs there. I also stopped at QFC to get money from that ATM. But I could not get any at all.

I went back home and cancelled my MBNA credit card. They had upped my interest rate to twenty-nine-point-nine-nine percent. I thought that was very outrageous so I decided to close my account and be done with them for ever. Their short-term greed cost them a long-term customer. I will make sure everyone I talk to knows about that.

Bill got some chicken from Albertson’s for dinner and brought it home. I got packed and hung around the house some more watching TV and chatting online. I was going to meet Jon around eleven-thirty to go to the airport.

I thought I would stop at Safeway on the way to Jon’s house. I got some pop and water as well as some reading materials. I was dismayed at the time it took to do so. I got in the only open line with three people. The people in front of me had a basket full of stuff. I was hoping they would let me go first. They did not. So I waited while everything was scanned. Once that was done they had a problem with the payment. Their cards were not working.

I waited nearly ten minutes in line for them. I was getting edgy. Finally their purchase was suspended. I got through the line. But then I was hitting all the red lights from there to Jon’s house. I was getting mad. We hit the highway and went to drop my truck off at a place for parking. We took their shuttle to the airport. We had to take the subway to the terminal we were using. We were running late as we were getting on the shuttle they called final boarding call.

Jon and I were using my pocket PC to listen to music along the way. I did not really sleep at all. I could feel the plane starting to descend. I thought it was strange as we were only in the air for about three hours and I was expecting a five hour trip. I found out that the times I was looking at were all posted in local time not pacific time. So with the time difference we got there in three hours, which showed to be six o’clock central time.