Dry heaves

January 13th, 2006

I spent most of the working day trying to fix something that was only slightly broken, but it was broken in such a way it looked way worse than it was and my way of testing it was broken and I did not know it. So I spent more time trying to fix it that I should have. We had our dev meeting I was given the dates of the upcoming releases for the next year. So it looks like I have another year of working on these issues, assuming I still work there in a year. I don’t see myself moving on at this point, but I guess there is always a chance something could change.

I went to the fire station around six o’clock to help with vehicle maintenance. It took about an hour when it was all said and done. I met Ryan at Pizza Hut when we were finally done with maintenance. We spent a little over an hour at the pizza place eating and chatting. We called Russell and he was going to invite us to his place.

Ryan and I went to my office and watched a few things on my computer before getting Russell’s phone call. We drove up to his place. I got some of the photo’s from the boating trip as well as some other pics of Russell on his trips he has taken.

Ryan and I left about ten minutes before ten o’clock pm. I went back to my office. I had not even settled in when I got called to a fire alarm. Shane and I were on Rescue. We left before Chuck go to the station. We staged when we were told by command to set one person to the doorway of the frat we were at.

I went up there and one of the guys in the house took me to the alarm panel to see Chris. He told me to go next door and talk to a guy who worked there. He had information about who had pulled the fire alarm. I went there and got some information about the people involved. I also got a name from someone there who knew one of the people in the group.

I was told they were last seen behind the Coug. I walked behind the buildings next to the frat. I did not see anyone, but I made my way to B Street. That is when I saw a group of girls I thought were the ones. I went to the group and asked for the person who was supposedly in the group of people. They denied knowing who I was talking about. So I left them and walked around the corner to Colorado street. I went back to talk to the guys I had talked to earlier.

That is when one of them pointed and said “there they are.” It was the girls I had been talking to. I told command what I had and followed them. Command asked for a cop. I kept following them. Soon we got to Colorado and Ruby. The girls split up. Two went to a house that was having a party and the others went up Ruby towards the front door of Adams Mall. While walking up Ruby a couple guys in a frat across the street made some comments towards me. One of the guys said. “There is a fire in my pants, wanna come put it out?” I ignored them and kept going. I was standing in front on the mall when I saw them walk inside. I was watching for them when I heard someone say “there is a firefighter right there.” I looked over to see someone who had obviously been in a fight. I was looking at him when I was trying to find a pair of gloves.

I looked back into Adam’s Mall and I did not see the girls I had been following. So I radioed that I lost visual on the girls in the mall and at the same there a fight had happened in the bar in the mall. I said one person was injured. Whitcom asked if I wanted an ambulance called. I told them to stand by on that until I could find out if one was needed. I looked back for the guy and he was gone. So I walked around the area for about thirty seconds looking for him. I talked to someone who told me the guy had left. So I told Whitcom that the person involved was gone and no ambulance was needed.

I walked back down Ruby to the Rescue and Engine that had come down to where we were. I saw Chris in front of the house where the party was. He was talking to the two girls who had gone inside the house. The cops still had not made it to Greek Row yet. Chris did not really have a way at that point to pin it on the girls so he left them with the message that it is not a joke to pull the alarm.

I got back in Rescue and the girls walked right in front of us. I radioed Chris, who was in the Engine, and let him know. He said there wasn’t much more we could do and we did not deal with those girls.

We went back to the station and Chris asked me more information about what I had done during the “pursuit.” I looked up information on the Internet and using some of the resources I know about to find the girl who had been identified to me. Through her I found three of the others as well. So I was able to identify four of the five involved in it. I gave that information to Chris who forwarded it on to Rich for follow up. I hope something comes from it.

Everyone was hanging out at the station after the call talking about what had happened and some recent calls we were on. Chris told us how he confronted the girls. He went to the house where the party was and told the people at the door to get the girls. They were not cooperating to well. That is when Chris said he would get every cop in Pullman up there to break up their party unless they got those girls. Within seconds the girls were escorted to us. The girls claimed no responsibility and claimed they had no idea what we were talking about.

Tadema and I lifted some weights and Shane took off. Everyone was getting ready to take off and call it a night. Then a call came out for someone who was unconscious at Ricos. So I had to wait for Shane to get back and we went to the scene.

The person was in the bathroom and had been throwing up all over the place. While in the station a little bit ago we were talking about my inability to deal with puke. I was doing just fine with it and the smell in the bathroom. When we got the patient to the ambulance I was inside when the patient threw up some more. I started to have some big dry heaves. Greg looked at me and asked if I was okay. I said yes. But he was worried about me so he had Shane grab a convience bag for me. Greg thought I was going to throw up. We got the patient to the hospital.

Shane and I took the Rescue back to the station and washed it. As I was motioning for him to back it up I heard the tones going off inside the rig. I ran and jumped in. We were getting dispatched to CCN for someone who was really drunk. We were the first unit en route and the first on scene by a long shot.

I was dealing with the patient when the patient fell over and started to puke. I was doing well until about the third time puke came flowing. Then I started to dry heave hard core. My second one was so bad. I was facing a cop who jump and got out of the way because he thought I was going to puke. After having my dry heaves keep going, Chris got there and saw me. He asked if I was okay. At first he thought I had gotten hit or something. Shane told him what was going on. Chris said I should just go downstairs. My pride was hurt hardcore. I did not feel really bad, it just sucked going downstairs with people watching.

But after I got composed I went back up to help. I want to work through my dry heaves when I see, hear, or smell puke. I got the patient to the ambulance. I did my assessments and talk to the patient. I hope I was able to help in some way on that call.

We got back to the station and washed Rescue. That was it for the night. Shane and I washed the rig and called it a night.