Birthday Celebration
I spent the whole day at work trying to figure out the problem of us sending off data to LP and having it come back to us and wipe out data from our database. I have been checking on the returns and they don’t look different, between good ones and bad ones. But I narrowed down the reason for getting the good and the bad returns. It is a strange problem where if I send it an application with all the required data, then I get a bad return. If I send in an application where I need to add some data before submitting in their application then I get a good return. I also discovered that if I send them all the data they need, and simply “view” the application before submitting it, and not change anything I will get a good return back. It is very strange indeed.
I went to dinner with some of the family for my birthday. I got some gifts. Then I went to Jon’s house to work on some ASP.NET stuff for the Thunder Football website. I am making it with the latest and greatest technology. It should be pretty cool. We worked on that until around midnight. I also got a pointer from him. After talking him through the above stuff he asked me what data was being sent to FNMA. I had only been looking at what we get back. But our stuff will parse through the data for a bit and then sent something to FNMA. That is where the error happens. So I need to compare what we send to our FNMA component and see what is being sent in.
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