Critical Mass being hit

October 12th, 2005

Today we are getting to the ultimate crunch time with our release. I am getting some bugs assigned to me that I don’t know anything about. Luckily they are not real bugs in some cases. Just a bad deployment. I got most of my stuff finished off however and life should be good going into the end of the week.

Roger and I played some more ping pong. He had to go early so we only got one game in. I beat him in twenty-three to twenty-one. It was a close game.

I headed home in time for dinner to be served. It was meatloaf. I like my mom’s meatloaf. I chowed on that. I burnt a CD with my bit for the Michael Savage show. I also worked on making a music CD that would include Piano Man. I want to listen to it from time to time and I do not have it in my truck. But that will not be the case much longer.

I also watched some TV shows. Between burning my CD’s. Finally I finished off my night with CSI-NY.