A ton of car accidents
I tried to sleep in as much as I could today because I was going riding with Joe in Whatcom county tonight. I hung around the house a little bit before getting ready to head North. I was playing with Amber then I got ready and left.
I listened to the Cougar game along the way. It was going really well, then we Couged It. It was heartbreaking for that to happen. I was in front of Joe’s house when the game ended. I went inside. Joe, his roommate Doug, and I went to eat at Billy McHales.
When we were done we went back to Joe’s and started to talk about the website and how to set it up for what Joe wanted to do. We also watched a recorded episode of the Amazing Race. Then Joe got ready and we hit the road. It started with the state patrol in a pursuit. But it ended in a car crash before we had a chance to head that way. Then a head-on crash came out with a possible dead person. Then it turned out the dead person was alive and passed out from being drunk. We went to the scene and examined the wreckage.
We went to other calls and listened as other car wrecks were toned out in other places around the county. We went to a call where a thirty-something son beat his mom up really good. She had a eye swollen shut and her left side of her face was badly swollen. We went to the hospital to talk to her.
Then we went to the station so Joe could fill out his report on the assault. Following that we went to the scene of the assault to try to pick up one other person who was there on a warrant. She was not around though.
The night ended with one more bad wreck where the person could possibly die. It was a twenty-two year old in a BWM doing more than a hundred miles per hour when he went off the road, hit a culvert and flipped through the air going through a telephone pole. Then he hit the ground two more times rolling until his car came to rest straddling a ditch with him hanging out the back door of the car.
We went to the scene and looked at the wreckage. The state patrol came to investigate. The car was munched pretty good in the roll overs. One of the wheels was yanked off with the shock assembly still attached. There was a portion of the engine also that broke off in the crash.
I went home after that. It was after four in the morning when I left. I was so tired I had a hard time making it home. But I did without crashing, so that was good.
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