Nine-One-One dispatch…
I went into work because we had our company meeting today. I worked on getting the copy loan app completed. We are on the right path to do so. I was able to get it done just as lunch was being served. I went to lunch and ate and we had the meeting. Then I went back and checked in my changes. I talked with Brian about a couple bugs and I talked some more with Barb about the comparisons that I need to work on. Code complete is next Thursday.
After meeting with them I took off for Pullman. I had to do some hydrant maintenance. While out doing that we were talking with Bolton, one of the new guys who came from WSU. He is a ten-six-seven. Him and Nick were joking about some stuff, then Bolton said that he would be the pitcher and Nick would be the catcher. Then they asked me who I thought was more gay. I said that Bolton would be my pick. I clarified that I did not think either was close to being gay, but the question was between them two. I said he seemed more Metro than Nick. He laughed and said he is nothing close to Metro. He laughed and said I guess that is sort of a compliment.
Then we went to station one and looked at the ambulances. While I was there I got a call from the Nine-One-One dispatch center. They guy said a nine-one-one call came from my phone. I guess in my pocket it rang through after hitting the right keys and send. I asked who I was talking to and it was Corey from the Thunder from two years ago. We spoke for a few minutes about playing football.
Then we headed back to station two. When Bolton got off the truck I asked Nick if he knew I was gay. He said he did. Then I said I did not want him to tell Bolton or any of the new guys, because I do not want it to get around. Nick said he understood.
I went to Ryan’s apartment and we watched SouthPark, Family Guy, and Futurama. I headed back to the office and checked out G-Shack for a while. I was tired but when I when to go to sleep it took a while to fall asleep.
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