Nine days in Pullman

July 22nd, 2005

I went to bed early last night hoping to get up early today, but that did not work as planned. I still got to work at my normal time. I got the code from Jon and put it into my .cs file. My box was rebuilt so I spent today trying to figure out why I could not communicate with LPX. It took a little bit of time and I spent time reviewing E-mails until I remembered what the problem was before. It was the same problem this time. I took care of that.

We had the interview of the guy for the dev position. I am not sure if we are going to hire him, but I think we are leaning towards picking him up. I went into the Interview with Ricky. We did not really ask him many technical questions at all. Mostly just got a feel for his thoughts on working situations.

Jon’s code was working the way the multiple margins should work so that was taken care of. Now I need to figure out why the purpose of refinance is not flowing through the way it is supposed to. I got my computer to debug into ASP and VB components. But when I would step through the debugging the purpose of refinance was working fine. I cannot figure out why. Before I would step through the code it would not work. So this is quite strange. I did not spend a ton of time trying to figure it out. I was there only until about four-thirty pm.

I am going to spend about the next nine days in Pullman. I went to get gas and some food then I left. There was a fair amount of traffic all the way through Ellensburg. After that it was broken up enough it would not slow you down getting around the slower cars.

I got to Colfax around nine. I put my luggage away. Then I went to Colfax fire and put my turn-outs together. I would need them on Sunday. I went to the jail and talked to the people there. I was at the jail until about two o’clock in the morning.

I went home and watched some TV. I also had my pager on so I could go on a call should there be one. There was not any calls. I fell asleep on the couch. Around six am a call for Albion came out. I got up. I turned off my pager then I went to my bed to sleep some more.