A wedding and Softball

July 17th, 2005

After sleeping in a little bit, I decided to get up and start my day. I had a wedding to go to and then softball. I got the gift from my truck and wrapped it. I had breakfast and then headed off to the wedding.

I got there with about ten minutes to spare. I saw Haymon outside in his dress blues. He looked very good. Peter was out there with him greeting people.

Peter and Haymon

I went into the church and sat with Brandon, an old Pullman Fire Reserve. I was right behind Russell. I got a funny picture of him. The wedding was good.

Tara and Kevin at the Alter

Tara and Kevin Moe, Husband and Wife

Then we drove to the reception. I followed Russell. We stopped at Costco to get gas and then to the Lynnwood convention center.

When we got there we sat down at a table. I was waiting for Haymon to get there. I wanted to get a picture of him and Russell and then the three of us together. Right after getting those pictures I had to go.

Russell, Haymon, and I

I did not even have time to go home and get into my uniform before I had to be at the softball field. So I went straight there. Luckily I had my shorts and a sweatshirt from the burn on Wednesday.

I put those on, but I had no cup, so I was a little worried about getting hit. As it turned out the other team did not show. I was mad because I left the reception just as Moe and Tara got there. I did not get to do much there at all. We did a little batting practice. Then we called it a day. I was sweating a lot because it was above eighty-degrees and I was wearing the sweatshirt.

I went home and showered because I felt so scuzzy because of all the sweating I did out there. We had dinner and then I called Pete and left a message for him to call. He never called me back. I hope he is not avoiding me now.

I watched Family Guy. Then I went to the computer in the shop and downloaded my pictures to the computer there. I also decided to spray weedkiller on the grass that the next door neighbor is planting on our driveway. He is doing it to be a jerk. I am not happy about that.