Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Steadman

June 25th, 2005

Today was the big day, a friend of mine from many years got married in Bellevue. I met her when she was a freshman at WSU. She would come to my hall with some of her friends. It was mainly because one girl wanted to come over and be with Ed, a guy on my floor. But when they would be over with Ed and his roommate, Joe, I would get to know them.

Over the next few years Meredith and I worked together at SCS. That is ultimately how Eddie and Meredith met. It was about eighteen months ago. At the wedding Ryan and I met up in the parking lot. Nick was with Ryan. We talked for a bit and I helped Ryan fix his tie. Ryan does not know how to tie them, so I tied it for him.

Ryan About to get Help with his Tie

We went to the church and spent about the next twenty minutes taking pictures. Eddies best-men were all ten-six-sevens. Luckily I had a camera. Then they had their vows. We went to the reception and the food was good. It was hamburgers and hotdogs as well as other nice side dishes. It was not your typical wedding food. This was actually edible and good.

Meredith and the Best Men

Jerome, Marshall, and Andrew

Meredith and Eddie Saying I Do

Presenting Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Steadman

I hung out with many of the SCSers from the years past. Jerome, Steve, Marshall (the peoples’ tech), and many others were there. We had the cake and they did the toasts. It was a great time. Meredith and Eddie did a keg stand. That was funny.

Meredith and Scotty

Meredith’s Wedding Ring

Meredith Doing Keg Stand

I left around nine o’clock pm to go home. I worked on Joe’s website. He wanted a page to be able to update all the prices at once rather than pulling up one product at a time. I spent a few hours trying to figure out how to make it work the way I wanted to. After some logic changes and some debugging I got it working. I called Joe and we talked about that for about forty minutes.

Today was a good day. It was nice to go to the wedding and stand around seeing all these people who were brought together because of SCS. As I looked around I thought about that fact. I smiled because I realize that if I had not met George back in ninety-three SCS would not be what it is and all these people would not be here with this wedding.

It is like God planned on having Eddie and Meredith meet and get married. He set the plan in action twelve years ago when they were both in high school. It makes one realize that one small event long ago can affect so many people.

George and I met while I was in RHA. He was speaking about a program at WSU called SCS. I asked him many questions. Finally he asked me to come to his office. We sat down and talked. I told him about TIP and what we were doing there. He started to take me to lunch with many bigwigs at WSU to tell them about it. SCS grew into a “TIP goes to college” program. George called me the “Freshman of the Future.” The things I did in high school would be what all high school students of the future would be doing. But I was ahead of the curve.

George always credits me with SCS being what it is. If SCS had not become what it is, then Meredith and Eddies meeting would not have been possible. Nor would I have met many nice people I still talk to today.

God has a plan for everyone.

No Responses to “Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Steadman”

  1. Eddie on June 17, 2009 04:32

    Hey Scotty!

    I was doing some bored googling and found myself!
    First hit too, hehe.
    Im sure Ive seen this blog before, but anyway, thanks for the kind words, it was awesome to have everyone there that day.

    Also, I was reading up on some of your blogs and Ive seen you use "ten six seven" in usage for my groomsmen and other people, and I couldnt figure out what it was. Could you tell me?

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