Thunder Football in Lewiston

May 21st, 2005

After getting to be around four in the morning I let myself sleep in to around noon. I got a call from Jerrid from the Evergreen Football League. He was going to go down and take stats for the football game. I was going to help him out. As it turns out Brian, the other stats guy is not here anymore. He was also the guy who played the music for the games. Jerrid was going to go down to the game with me. I arranged to pick him up from his house around two-thirty.

I got some lunch and went to the fire station. I talked to Carl for a little while then I helped him with an Access application he was working on. I was running a little late getting Jerrid. So I went to his place across town from the Fire Station.

We headed to the field. We got down there and I went into the press box. I found I would be the guy doing the music on top of the other things I was doing. So I threw in one of my CDs and let it play until game time. Then I got a couple CDs from the cheerleaders to play their songs during the game. I was happy to do the music because I wanted to start to use Kernkraft Four-Hundred by Zombie Nation as the song for the kickoffs. I was able to do that, but I had to be fast to switch from Thunderstruck on one CD to the other CD.

There was no National Anthem CD and I did not have a copy of it on CD in my truck we did the Pledge of Allegiance instead. I lead that.

I was also doing the offense stats for both teams on top of announcing. I was only able to do about fifty per-cent of the ads I normally do. When the game started I put in my first set of numbers and I found the Bulls’ names did not come up. I looked at my text file for them and found I did not have the numbers first. I had their position first. So it was not working. I had to open the file in Excel and switch the numbers and positions around. I also had to keep track of the stats while I was doing that. I just did not announce anything for a few plays while I got the stuff fixed. Finally I got that up and running.

The Thunder won the game forty to fifteen. The Bulls have not won a game all season. They just got a new head coach that is the winningest high school head coach in the state. They are hoping that will help them out.

Playing Kernkraft seems to be working out okay as well. People seem to clap along with it. I need to make a CD with that song along with all the other songs I need to play.

After the game Jerrid did the things he had to do. We hung out for a little bit at the field before heading back to Colfax. We got some dinner at McDonalds. I watched TV and it went from one show to the next until it was three in the morning. I was mad at myself because I had to get up really early in the morning to get to Seattle for the softball games.