Working extra hard
Today was the code complete day for the VI’s I have been working on. The responses are coming through to my box, but there is still a problem. But with the responses coming back I was able to do some coding and then I also made some assumptions about some of the other code following through with the code that I read. I got some stored procedures completed. One had to be made from the ground up, because the one that existed did not work. I also got the UI to work the way I wanted, but due to the fact I had to get this stuff done, I was not able to leave until almost four o’clock pm. As it turned out we were given one more day for code complete. But it was nice to get it all done and working.
I drove to Pullman and when I got to town I was on call for the coroners office. I went into the jail and hung out there and helped out a little bit with some stuff. But I was not going to stay up too late because I was going golfing in the morning.
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