Murder victim’s 911 call was a prank?

April 26th, 2005

So there is a story about a man names David Steeves. He was nineteen years old. He was in the trunk of his mom’s car when he called Nine-One-One in Elgin, Ill. They asked him where he was but he said he did not know he was in the trunk of a car. He at one point said “Oh my God, you gotta please help me. Please help me. Oh my God, Please help me. God.” He knew he was on South Street. The police spent about ten minutes and the chalked this up as a prank call.

About six days later he had not been seen until they found him shot to death in the trunk of his mom’s car.

Sounds like a horrible and sad ending to such a young life. Then you learn more about it. He was in a drug deal and the dealers decided to throw him in the trunk, rob him, and kill him.

Another case of criminal on criminal crime. Those kind of crimes that makes me just think to myself that maybe if he wasn’t doing drugs he would not be dead right now. It is the kind of thing that makes you shrug your shoulders and move on with life.

Now, that the deed has been done, I hope that the murders get the death penalty. That would take care of three criminals. One has been taken care of, and the rope will take care of the other ones.

I seem like I don’t care about criminals, huh? Well, you’re right. Like Charlie Daniels said “Take a big tall tree and a short piece of rope. Hang ’em up high and let ’em swing ’till the sun goes down.”