Cleaning up the jail
I did not go to Pullman last night because I wanted to stay up late, so I decided to go into the office today. Before I could do that I had to go clean the doggie doo-doo from the yard. Once I was done I loaded my truck and headed off to work. I worked with Miki a little bit with the information I found on Friday. She is going to work with Dexma on that. While that is happening I am stuck on the issue.
A couple of us went to Red Robin for lunch. I got a chicken sandwich. We chatted about personal stuff. I mainly listened in on what they were talking about and checking out one of the ten-six-seven waiters.
After we got back I sat around the office getting stuff ready to be in Pullman. I got the next issue I need to work on all printed out. I filled my water bottles and then headed to get some gas. Then I was on my way to Colfax.
I got into town a little after six o’clock pm. I decided that I would go work at the jail. I got my uniform on and grabbed some lunch at Arby’s. I went to Control and ate it real quick. We had three people to get booked into the jail. I started to help Dale out with those. Then we started on the third person. But there was only computer work to do. So I got a crew of inmates and we did some cleaning around the jail. I had the halls swept and mopped on the top and bottom floor. I also had the windows washed and walls cleaned where they were dirty.
I found out that one of the guys in my crew was going to be going to AA. So, while I was in the male work release unit I was going to get another person to help out. One young kid was playing ping pong. Then he stopped me to let me know that the visiting booths were really dirty and the windows had hand marks and other marks all over them. Sounds like a volunteer to me. So I had him come along. I think that he will think twice about telling me or any other officer where we need to have cleaning done.
When we were done with the jail. I had them sweep and mop the stairs going to the basement. They were in really bad shape. When the was done I went back to Control and rested for a little bit. My ankle is still tender.
Around eleven o’clock pm a deputy was coming in with a warrant arrest from Pullman. It was an eighteen year-old man. He stole some checks and was trying to pass them off. Have I said how much I hate a thief? When I was done I took him to the green unit and then I remember I did not give him a chance to make some calls. I took him back into booking for that. By then it was after midnight. So I had Dale watch him. I was ready to head home.
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