A day of Jokes

April 1st, 2005

I was thinking about going down the the radio station (K-Rock) and trying out for the Jerry Seinfeld show. I did not do it though. I got up a little later than I wanted and headed into work the new way, going through Issaquah. I don’t know if it is any faster, but there is a lot less stops. So gas mileage should be better.

I went to work for a while but I wanted to get going because I was going to meet up with Ben and we were going to watch Harold and Kumar go to Whitecastle. I was excited to hang out with Ben again. Before I left work I saw a cake in the kitchen. It said to cut a piece. I started to and saw that it was an April Fools joke. It was a box with frosting on it.

Then I posted on G-Shack that it was going to go offline forever at the end of the month. Many people were fooled by it. It was funny. I also posted on Cougster.com that WSU sold the rights to Tully’s coffee to put a big green T on the top of Bryan Tower.

I helped him set up his new computer with his E-mail and other files from his old laptop. I also brought over my external drive. I gave him all my MPThrees. I also gave him a few other things from it. We watched an old episode of South Park. Then we watched our movie. Ben made me a couple DVD’s using his new burner. He gave me Caddyshack.

I had a good time hanging out with Ben. He is a super nice guy and a ten-six-seven.