Would you let your daughter die?
Terri Schiavo has been in a coma for many years due to a medical problem when she was having an operation. He husband has since moved on and want to have her feeding tube removed so she can die. He claims that is what she would have wanted.
He parents on the other hand have not given up hope and want to fight for her to live. They are holding out what hope there is left. They are willing to take over her care and keep fighting for her. But her husband will not give her over.
The lawyer for her husband, Michael, said “It’s a constitutional right to say, “I don’t want medical treatment” and the state can’t force you to have it.” I will not argue with that, but show me anywhere in writing where she said that. It is not in writing. You only have one person’s word for it. And if my life were on the line I would hope that someone would not believe the word of one person over my life.
So we are to the point where the judge says pull the feeding tube which will starve Terri to death over the next few days to weeks. She will then die. But she has people who want to help her fight. So why not give her the chance? Why is the husband so willing to give up the fight even though other want to fight.
I think the most scary thing is that she is someone’s daughter. She is wanted by her parents and they have no rights in this whole thing. Their wishes are being superseded by a man who wants their daughter dead.
That would be such a horrible feeling for the parents. To know that your daughter will die and you have no ability to stop it, yet you could if the legal system would give them the ability.
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