I am siiiiiiick.
My day started out just like any other. I got into work and started to figure out why my box was not doing this one task. So I worked on it and I would fix one problem and then I would be lead to a new problem. Soon I had them all fixed and it was working for me. I was trying to get the new export stuff to work.
Around noon we had a company lunch and then we went into the meeting room and talked about the financial situation. Then some awards were given out to people who had put an outstanding level of work into the SR-Two project. They gave out some iPod’s and some other stuff.
After the meeting I was starting to go down hill. I did not really notice it until I went home. On the way home I was really light headed and I felt strange. My pulse was normal. There was a super awesome rainbow as well. It was so bright and vivid.
I got home and watched some TV for a few minutes before dinner. As I was eating I realized I was not feeling well. After dinner I went to bed. I took some cold medicine and then as I was laying there. I was so cold. I was shivering. So turned on my electric blanket to ten and put on some blankets. I started to warm up. I spent the evening just laying in bed and watching TV. I wanted to watch SouthPark before I finally would go off to sleep. I got some more water and a pitcher of water to have at my bedside. I still feel light headed and I am worried I will not be able to go to work tomorrow.
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