Camping at Central Ferry
When I got off work I went to get my motorhome packed and headed down to Central Ferry park. I was going to be camping for the night. I got my motorhome set up and then cracked open the beer. I had eight beers and I was starting to feel it. I stopped there and enjoyed the rest of the day.
We spent a lot of time sitting around in a circle and talking. This is the second annual trip with a lot of the Colfax Firefighters. It is a chance for us to get away and kick back. No cell phones, pagers, nor radios.
In the evening we played a lot of poker. I lost most of the games, after winning the first one. It seems to be a tradition that if you went the first pot of the night you will not do well for the rest of the night.
At around midnight I went to the motorhome because we were done playing. I was going to go back out, but I was so tired I just went to sleep instead.
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