Short Day on the Road
This morning I was scheduled to work for the county on the road. I decided I wanted a donut today, because it is Sunday. It is a free day for me. I went to Dissmores. They had maple bars with a strip of bacon on it. I use to joke everything is better with bacon. I had to try it.
I think it was maple flavored bacon too because it had a maple flavor as well. The first bite was interesting, but as I went on I liked it. It added a bit of a sweet flavor as well as a bit of another flavor that I could not put my finger on.
I got to the SO around eight in the morning. I waited for Brown to get there. He got called to an non-injury accident before he got to the SO. So I sat and waited until almost eleven. But that was okay because I was able to do some work on my FTO book. I had to get through the P&Ps; for the SO. So I pounded through the rest of them.
We hit lunch and then were called to a problem in Farmington. En route a second call came in about it. So we had two RPs to talk to and get the situation. I was able to use some interviewing skills as well as watched Dan do his thing and see how he talked to people. It was good learning.
We made a couple car stops. He asked me about the way I did my first one. He asked if I was doing it the way I was trained. I said that I was. He then told me the way the academy trained people. It was more along the lines of the way I did my first couple traffic stops which included introducing myself. So the second stop I did the way he described.
We went back to the SO and I wrote up my case from Farmington. Then I went home and got my laundry completed. I had four loads because I had some extra stuff that I was washing that didn’t have to be washed, but I wanted to. I also started to work on cleaning my closet. I haven’t done that since November because I had my old mattresses in there and it took up most of the room. With them gone now I am reclaiming my closet.
One of the things is I have too many shirts than will fit in my drawers. I am going to rearrange my set up to put some of the shirts on my built in shelves. I also spent some time watching some TV and relaxing.
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